Dunno... FX is better because it´s cheaper... But well if it´s only for say Forza 2 you can use a MS Wireless FFB wheel and tore it down.. It deteoriates very quickly though and just get looser and looser in the center. Force feedback is hardly better then the rumble feedback the drive FX has...
But the pedals on the MS FFB wheel is better. Easy to mod them with squash balls and such. The grip is a bit better on the MS FFB wheel as well and it does have more degrees of steering which helps for me.
Drive FX will most likely last longer though if you are one that hate the hassle of rmaing stuff.
I still don't get the whole 900 degree crap, even for drifting... It's not realistic and it make it harder. For the record my M$ wheel stilll works and I've had it for almost as long as I've had my 360.
real cars use 900 degrees of steering. at least normal cars do. although it doesn't really matter that much to me either as far as the 900 goes. plus i also have the 360 wheel and it's not that bad of a wheel, i also have the g25 which is alot better. i was just wandering if the drive fx wheel was better
you said 900 is "not realistic and make it harder", but then you go on to say if you wanted real you would hop in your car. but 900 is real. i don't think you know what you really want in life. maybe a little puppy or kitten is what you are missing.
you said 900 is "not realistic and make it harder", but then you go on to say if you wanted real you would hop in your car. but 900 is real. i don't think you know what you really want in life. maybe a little puppy or kitten is what you are missing.
lol, you guys are funny... irl you turn the wheel because there are times where you have too, but in a game you never get close to 900 degrees unless you suck that bad, then there's the force feedback part that is retarded and unrealistic. So no I'm not going back on what I said.
We should raise founds for your new kitty and puppy.
How many Degrees The Xbox or the FX wheel turns? 180? 220?
Ok, so when you do a normal turn, you need to turn the wheel, lets say about 40 degrees, with the G25 you would need to turn 80 degrees to 100 degrees, just like in real life.
How about drifting? Drifters do use 700 to 900 degree steering. So 180 degree or simular wheels are just plain LAZY and Unrealistic for normal car.