Logo challenge!

  • Thread starter G.T


United Kingdom
Ak Paganister
If anyone feels up to the job or has any free time, I have a bit of a challenge to give you, as I know some of you are quite talented on this subject.

My Uncle is close to estalishing a business. Further information can be found here:


Currently a completely new website is in the works, and the only real pain with it is it needs a new logo! It needs to contain the word "Wired." (he wants a full stop to create more impact), preferably unique, simple and as clear as possible. It doesn't have to be similar to the current logo. Any sensible colours are fine, as we don't know the colour of the website yet.

We've been through many he printed out earlier today created by some graphics designer, but weren't 100% happy with them. I would have shown you the examples that were "ok", but I don't have access to them. Maybe we'll have a little more luck here. ;)

It'll be very much appreciated if you help. Good luck!
So can you breifly explain the purpose of this business?
It's rather complicated, so I took these key-points from his website:

# Provide the information, support and tools that people require to help them overcome or reduce their substance use problem;

# Improve the quality of services in the community provided to people with a substance use problem and their families and carers;

# Raise awareness and understanding of substance misuse, the problems it creates and the ways to deal with these problems
From what I understand, basically this country's goverment gives lots of its funding in making drugs and similar products to stop you with your addiction: ie, smoking, exessive drinking, cocaine and other addictive drugs like so. My Uncle and the team do not believe this is the answer - the answer to your recovery is your own will power.

There is no where near enough support in this country to give the user an explaination of what exactly they're going through and ways that they can help themselves, rather than a drug doing it for you. This more personal way is more powerful than any drug.

One good example that they've been working on for a long time is making a DVD you can buy featuring a cocaine user who has stopped using and his mother, who was in the middle of it all. They both take us through the whole story from the beginning to end of all the stresses and sucesses they came across while he was using. The ex-cocaine user mentions how he was suicidal, so "high" that he couldn't do anything but laze around, and was even asking his mother for money very frequently so he could afford more cocaine. All these things might make the user watching want to seek help, because he's just seen someone who is in a similar situation to himself/herself. It might give the person watching the confience to go and help theirself because the ex-cocaine user managed to stop using and has a decent life now!

I hope that all made some sense. There is a lot of other stuff involved, but that's the information I know about.

Here's an idea:

I wanted to reflect the hands on approach to drug rehabilitation the company has.
Is it possible to re-do those so it says just "Wired."?

If so, I'll submit both examples of yours and VIPER's to them to see what they think. 👍

I wanted to reflect the hands on approach to drug rehabilitation the company has.
Yes, this is the way you should think while creating these.
Odd. Well, here's an attachment (haven't used it in years! :lol:).


  • logotype.png
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