Long term adjustment....


For My Mom, Always
United States
Brooklyn, NY
I Renown I
Title might be a bit misleading so allow me to elaborate.

Being here as long as I have (some 4 years or something to that effect, going on two with my new name) I've had an idea that I figured I'd might as well put out into the open and let the staff have at it. The current penalty system is effective but I think it can be a bit more effective. What about, instead of temporary bans, Mods and Admins alike can just permanently (if deemed necessary) ban the member from that particular thread or the sub-forum section altogether? I'm tired of certain members insisting on polluting certain threads with foolishness, off-topic dribble, and stupidity. It could serve as a "cutting out the middle man" alternative to closing good threads because certain members can't remain on topic for any reason.

One might think "Well, the current system is fine the way it is. They break the rules and they get warned, an infraction, or in the worse case banned from the entire forum altogether, why change it?" None of that has to change really but it's something to at least think about for a future update; instead of the constant nudges some Mods give as they don't want to lock a thread, why not just prevent those members from participating in that section for either a predetermined time, or permanently? If the problem persists (as it usually does) then just ban them entirely. Think of this way, if you eliminate them from the topic they participate in (pollute) the most, some will genuinely improve their positing attitudes, and others will just go away.

Just an idea.
That would be an interesting system. Though access to specific forums can be controlled on an individual user basis, preventing access to specific threads is not a feature of the forum software. While it could be helpful in specific situations, I think it is important to keep the disciplinary systems in place as simple and straightforward as possible, both for the staff and users.
That would be an interesting system. Though access to specific forums can be controlled on an individual user basis, preventing access to specific threads is not a feature of the forum software. While it could be helpful in specific situations, I think it is important to keep the disciplinary systems in place as simple and straightforward as possible, both for the staff and users.

So, it's not so much a "No." as it is "I don't want to confuse the living hell out of anyone"? :lol:
On that long term note...

Is there any thought of Infractions "expiring" after a prolonged period of time? Say you get one when you were young and yet you stick around the forum for 4 - 5 years, Is any chance that it will go away? or will you always have it on your record?

For the record, I have no infractions.
Jordan introduced new expiring infractions a while ago, slightly before GT5's release if I'm remembering right. Whether or not an infraction is permanent or expiring is usually based on the severity of the action. It makes "time out" periods a lot easier to manage, that's for sure ;).

Also, infractions can be reversed; though more often than not, this is used when we've accidentally selected the wrong option (a warning instead of an infraction, or vice-versa).

T's idea is an interesting one, but yeah, it'd be hard to keep track of who could view what, and where. It's unfortunate that people are that stubborn that we'd even have to entertain the idea, but hey, in the GT5 board, I've learned to accept just about anything's possible :lol:.
It's rare, but occasionally we have to advise members (and sometimes with force) who are great contributors in most areas of the forum, but become feral animals in certain areas of the forum (usually when provoked), and we have to counsel them to avoid that forum for a set period of time.

It works for some members who are on the verge of a ban; unfortunately, it's generally a ban-on-sight-policy that must be enforced if they break ranks with their "penalty box".

Also, please don't use this or any thread to discuss or suggest other members.
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Jordan introduced new expiring infractions a while ago, slightly before GT5's release if I'm remembering right. Whether or not an infraction is permanent or expiring is usually based on the severity of the action. It makes "time out" periods a lot easier to manage, that's for sure ;).

Also, infractions can be reversed; though more often than not, this is used when we've accidentally selected the wrong option (a warning instead of an infraction, or vice-versa).

T's idea is an interesting one, but yeah, it'd be hard to keep track of who could view what, and where. It's unfortunate that people are that stubborn that we'd even have to entertain the idea, but hey, in the GT5 board, I've learned to accept just about anything's possible :lol:.

I see, I have 5 permanent points for an IBTL:ouch: Better keep it as it is just to remind myself not to post one ever again:lol:

T's idea is really interesting: however, we'll probably be getting the forums flooded by people complaining and/or re-opening threads which they can't access.

The mods already have enough on their shoulders;)
So, that's three possibly four for "It's an interesting idea, but it would spiral the very fiber of my sanity right out of the window." :lol:
It can't be done. Members could be moved to a different user group but that would prevent them from accessing entire subforums, not just specific topics. Also, I'd assume that there had to be several new user groups created, for instance, an user group banned from accessing the GT5 section of GTP, another one with no access to the wheel and cockpit subforums, and so on.

While a good idea, the forum software prevents it from being implemented.
It can't be done. Members could be moved to a different user group but that would prevent them from accessing entire subforums, not just specific topics. Also, I'd assume that there had to be several new user groups created, for instance, an user group banned from accessing the GT5 section of GTP, another one with no access to the wheel and cockpit subforums, and so on.

While a good idea, the forum software prevents it from being implemented.

I had no idea you knew so much about it. :P
If a member is derailing threads, lacking basic comprehension and generally trolling in a particular forum, even after staff have warned them and advised them to take some time out, would it be a good idea to block their access to that forum or is it a moot point as Jordan has previously said he wants to keep the disciplinary system simple?
How do you find out how many infractions you have?
If you don't have any, you can't.

If you do, it'll show up as a tab on your Profile (but only visible to you and the staff) between Friends and Contact Info.
If you don't have any, you can't.

If you do, it'll show up as a tab on your Profile (but only visible to you and the staff) between Friends and Contact Info.

Whoops! Sorry, R1600, that's my fault.