Looking 4 drag crew or any team

United States
As the title say im a week new to this I got 3 drag cars

I only get on the weekends and im a drifter but broke my g25 so ya just lookin 4 a drag crew mainly

My fastest time on this game at indy was 9.56 in my skyline, at ss7 is 19.698 in my veyron

The reason why I told my times cause being in a crew is like a job 4 me so I take pride to the fullest.

If you interest in my progress please let me know on here everyday or send me a message at my psn:DRIFT-ARTZ_SLICK

DRIFT-ARTZ_SLICK stupid smiley face
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Hi Mike, welcome to the Planet :)

You can edit posts here - just hit the little Edit button, as unnecessary double-posting is frowned upon here. I've merged the posts for now, but keep it in mind for future posts!
Welcome to the community. Check out all of the guides stickied at the top of the Drag Racing section for tips & tricks to learn how to get your cars faster, and you can also post your times in the leaderboard started by MadMax. Once you start doing that, I'm sure you will find a team to run with. 👍