looking for a basic overview

Trying to follow all of the GT5 threads is quite daunting. I've been trying to keep myself up to date. So at the risk of sounding stupid...I was hoping to get some basic information:

-- I'm assuming photomode is a given....it's gotta be!
-- I'm hoping the musclecars are staying....if not expanding. If the '69
Camaros stay, how about a COPO 427 version?
-- Licensing, transfer from prior GT games, oil life, all made GT4 great. I'm
hoping they are in.
-- Customizing - I believe a proper paint shop would be better than full
body wrap schemes.
- How about a better wheels shop and possible rim size
options and body kits?
To me, GT5 should be the end all / be all .... could someone confirm that
it will still be all that !! Thanks for the help:nervous:
Gran Turismo, in time, will be an end all/ be all. Polyphony is just doing it one step at a time. I think they mastered the look of the cars with both the inside and outside now viewable, but every other aspect can still needs work. Some more or less than others. I think they are pretty close to perfection on sound and lighting. Physics, enviroment details, and AI are less close to perfection. but i'd say if we ever see a GT8 then the only thing that would be holding it back would be the setup on which it was played. which is already the case for those with no HDTV.
What, you want me to take time out of my day to summarize a thread that's only a few posts down? I don't think so.

Maybe I've been around the 'net too long, but every thread I've ever seen like this (and I've seen dozens, if not hundreds), always ends up being twenty questions. For every answer we give, another question is asked. And another, and another, and pretty soon the thread becomes a carbon-copy of the thread that already contained the information from the start.

Now, I'll answer your questions, under the promise that you don't ask any more. If you want more than what you posted in your original post, you can go look it up yourself.

capo kid
-- I'm assuming photomode is a given....it's gotta be!

Yes, of course it is.

capo kid
-- I'm hoping the musclecars are staying....if not expanding. If the '69 Camaros stay, how about a COPO 427 version?

No one knows. The game is well over a year away, we only have information on a few dozen cars from GT5 Prologue. That's all we have.

capo kid
-- Licensing, transfer from prior GT games, oil life, all made GT4 great. I'm hoping they are in.

Transfer from GT5 Prologue, yes. Transfer from GT4, no. And Prologue has no license tests, so it's largely a transfer of money and little else.

capo kid
-- Customizing - I believe a proper paint shop would be better than full body wrap schemes.

No one knows.

capo kid
- How about a better wheels shop and possible rim size
options and body kits?

Body kits are the spawn of Satan. As are fancy rims. I see 'em on the road, and my strongest desire is to somehow make the car explode while the owner watches and cries over their lost toy and wasted money. The only "body kits" I want to see are those that make genuine improvements to the performance of the car. And rims don't do that at all, so they're pointless.

capo kid
To me, GT5 should be the end all / be all .... could someone confirm that it will still be all that !!

No, it won't be. What it will be is an excellent racing game in the GT tradition. Whether that's enough is up to you to decide.
The only "body kits" I want to see are those that make genuine improvements to the performance of the car. And rims don't do that at all, so they're pointless.

Except IRL they do. I didn't get my expensive magnesium wheels for the looks.:rolleyes:
Hey Jedi2016, I could be wrong, but I think the-copo-kid wasn't being sarcastic and was just thanking you for your help, since he's a newbie and all.
Except IRL they do. I didn't get my expensive magnesium wheels for the looks.:rolleyes:
I was referring to 22" chrome "bling" rims on an '88 Cadillac. That sort of thing. I hate aftermarket cosmetic mods with a passion. Anything that's added just for the "cool" factor.

I don't mind performance mods in the least.. I know a guy who tore apart his Firehawk, did the engine, suspension, etc. Looked perfectly stock on the outside, but holy s**t could that thing fly.
-- the info is appreciated...I just don't get much online time. Not that I'm hoping for bling and such..just wanted a heads up. Sorry if it was too much to ask...I thought this was a community. Won't bother you all again.
-- the info is appreciated...I just don't get much online time. Not that I'm hoping for bling and such..just wanted a heads up. Sorry if it was too much to ask...I thought this was a community. Won't bother you all again.
It is, you just need to be willing to help yourself. It's a successful community because of how it works. If you don't get much time online, try this thread for asking basic questions that do not warrant a thread of thier own.

If you ever do get more time online you might get more into how it works here, and be able to take part in the countless discussions and debate regarding the GT series and what people want from it etc.
The only "body kits" I want to see are those that make genuine improvements to the performance of the car. And rims don't do that at all, so they're pointless.

So, you're unawhare that a difference in rims can lead to better acceleration due to less weight overall and all that it brings, ability to cool the brakes faster, and a few other things I can't remember now.
I was referring to 22" chrome "bling" rims on an '88 Cadillac. That sort of thing. I hate aftermarket cosmetic mods with a passion. Anything that's added just for the "cool" factor.
Why not let the player add rims like those if they really want to, sabotaging the performance of their car as they would in real life?
I think that the Gt series of games make for some awsome racing. But, if you're going to snap some pics. it would be cool to have some diff. options to maybe pesonalize your car. It might get old if my pic. of a Supra has the same stuff as everybody elses Supra's. Yes,no? :confused:
This is Gran Turismo, not Need for Speed.

Would it be so horrible and NeedForSpeedish if we had an option to choose different rim sizes? You can always go with the 13" or whatever originals if you want to be a hardcore GT-Ultimate-Real-Driving-Simulator-player.
okay - wasn't looking for special treatment, just a basic summary. I do thank jedi for answering some questions. Not looking to start yet another debate on GT5....if it's good when it comes out....I'll buy it( and maybe a PS3 ).
I do believe in customizing your ride, but don't want to see GT turn into 'need for speed' or 'nascar'... but when it's this close to having everything a car buff wants...it's tough to turn away.
full time job, asst. editor for a local mag, bmx riding, among other interests and obligations keep me from enjoying GT / GTP as much as I would like....and I know I'm not alone. If you folks saw my PC, you'd die laughing..no internet at home hinders me for sure.
just wanted to let you know - sorry if I sound harsh sometimes - that's my N.Y. coming out. In reality - I work as an auto tech, and love restored classics...especially musclecars - that's my real passion in life.
I had no idea how hot the topic is with GT5 - just wanted to set the record straight --

p.s. - the 'kid' is over 40 !!
Would it be so horrible and NeedForSpeedish if we had an option to choose different rim sizes? You can always go with the 13" or whatever originals if you want to be a hardcore GT-Ultimate-Real-Driving-Simulator-player.
Thread-starter mentioned rims and body kits in the same sentence. As Jedi pointed out, such things are the spawn of Satan.
Thread-starter mentioned rims and body kits in the same sentence. As Jedi pointed out, such things are the spawn of Satan.

I don't know about you but when I think "Bodykits and rims", I tend to think about light weight forged racing wheels and bodykits that has been researched and developed to improve a car's aerodynamics/downforce. Also, when I think about different rim sizes, I think about bigger rims with lower profile tires for better cornering stability, wheel spoke designs to help better cool the brakes and also wider wheels/tires applications for even better cornering and acceleration grip.

Maybe I just don't have the "rice boy" mentality when it comes to "bodykits and rims" like most people do.
I don't mind performance mods in the least.. I know a guy who tore apart his Firehawk, did the engine, suspension, etc. Looked perfectly stock on the outside, but holy s**t could that thing fly.
Race cars aren't stock on the inside OR the outside. And if you don't like race cars, what on earth are you doing playing a racing game? ;)

If you want race modification to return big time, like many of the tens of millions of GT fans do, you'll need body kits and a paint shop. I sure do.
Actually, GT is more of a "driving" game for me... the vast majority of my time in GT4 has been spent doing hotlaps at the 'Ring. :) Career mode is only there for me to expand the available garage.

As for mods, I actually prefer to race my cars stock. But, as I said, I understand and agree with the ideas behind performance-based mods, despite the fact that I don't use them myself. When I'm driving, I prefer to drive the car for what it is and not what I can make it. Hell, even on GTHD, I race only on Sports tires, never Racing tires. Racing modification is a different beast altogether.. as you said, a racing car isn't a stock car, so the door's wide open to anything I want to do with it. And I certainly would, if my intention were to turn the thing into a full-bore racing machine.

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