Looking for a Daytona tune for the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 '09

I'm the one smoking ya most likely...He

ride height pos 40f pos 40r
spring rate 12.5f 15.0r
damp 1f 1r
damp 1f 1r
roll 2f 7r

Cam 1.2f .08r
Toe pos .13f pos .28r
L.s.d 60 60 5 FnR

I run my Veyron in 3 Gears so Id rather not share my Trans set, But for Daytona just max the Trans speed and hang on....This set You' ll be able to ride the yellow line no problem, No more of that nasty wall...Enjoy

Oh forgot people want lap times... 35.682 Average 35.7s 262 on back straight.

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