Looking for a Drift Team

American Samoa
Hi this is White Tiger Drift team leader, and if you are good at drifting, know how to do tricks, and are looking for a drift team u came to the right place.

Is this a team thread??? you gotta try harder than that man and it's in the wrong section.

edit: At least put some effort into your own team thread, even the title it sounds like your looking to join a team... just one Example of many well put together threads.
You could also just click on my signature and find the thread that way but you probably dont have time for that. :lol:
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Laughing quite hard at this right now.. There's more words in CJDA9's post than there is in both of Leo's posts..

[SARCASM] I see this team going far [/SARCASM]
Yet another useless thread... this is getting annoying, useless threads are making the Drifting Section look like a joke. :grumpy:
It's already a joke. Excuse his newbie behavior, all he needs is a point in the right direction like CJDA9 did. Being helpful and not disrespectful would give this sub-forum the recognition you desire.
It's already a joke. Excuse his newbie behavior, all he needs is a point in the right direction like CJDA9 did. Being helpful and not disrespectful would give this sub-forum the recognition you desire.

If people looked at the AUP like they're supposed to when they make an account, all this nonsense wouldn't happen.
So basically, you didn't. Point proven, case closed.

I made that account because I was told to by my then team leader, I didn't care for this site & I barely used that account, after some time I came back with true interest for this site, read the AUP & made this account, I've grown to love this site & if people were really interested in it they would read the regulations for it. As for your "proven point", nobody's perfect you know... you try to make people look like idiots, does it satisfy you...? Does it fill your ego? Try to be more human for once... ;)
If people looked at the AUP like they're supposed to when they make an account, all this nonsense wouldn't happen.


Seriously. If people read the AUP, read the stickies and other things like using the search function, there wouldnt be such a problem. Why its so hard to understand that, I have no idea..