Looking for a headset

  • Thread starter Seismica


United Kingdom
Update: Bought the Sennheiser PC 330. It cost quite a bit, but the reviews about sound quality and overall durability were too good to refuse. I'll stretch them out in time... The problem now is connecting them to my PS3. I know of a number of adaptors but they all cost around the same as the headset itself. For 2x 3.5mm jacks (One for audio, one for microphone) does anyone have a good/cheap solution to this problem?


My iPod headphones finally died yesterday (After 3 years of daily use, I certainly got my moneys worth - RIP). I decided this was an excuse to buy a proper set of headphones with microphone.

So i'm looking for a headset in the £30-50 price range (Though may go up to £100, haven't fully decided). I've checked out a few review sites but all the ones i've seen seem to cater for people with a knowledge of audio, of which I have almost none.

I want a comfortable headset (So none of those cheap in one ear or flimsy lightly padded ones) so i'm looking for some big headphones. They need to be closed back and they also need to have a microphone. As far as sound quality goes, I don't have much knowledge in that area, but i'll get the best I can afford.

Another problem i'm having is most of the sites i've seen seem to only cater for PC compatible headsets. They never seem to specify whether they are PS3/console compatible. PS3 compatability is an absolute must as i'll be using it with GT5 aswell as for general use. Another question that arises, is USB a must for good quality or can I go for the regular 3.5mm jack for both phones/microphone? I realise this could be problematic on PS3, but compatability with ipods/mp3 players would be a good bonus.

Any advise or suggestions are welcome in my search for a new headset, I don't want to make an uninformed purchase.

EDIT: Anyone know if these are PS3 compatible? I think £70 is going to be my upper limit, I can't really justify much more than that.
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It depends, if it's a USB headset it'll probably work. I bought a bluetooth that was $13.99 and it works great for chatting in GT5.
Right, i've been looking into it quite a bit today. I believe if I get a USB headset something like this would be in order:


I need some sort of adaptor setup like this for a USB headset if i'm to use it with my PS3. This comes with this. The problem is, this adaptor is built into the headset and the same company sells something similar seperately, but for ~£60 (Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003O0KICS/?tag=gtplanetuk-20). I haven't been able to find a solution, as the problem with the PS3 is it doesn't support sound output through USB, only through HDMI, Digital Optical or through the SCART connection.

I have bookmarked the Sennheiser PC 330 but again, it's not PS3 compatible and from reviews I have read, it's like a vice pressing down on each ear which I probably couldn't cope with considering my abnormally large head :dopey:.

Part of me is thinking to just get a cheap microphone seperately and just buy a regular set of headphones as I can get the same quality as the PC 330 for around £45.
You can also get the sound via RCA from the old AV out cable whilst using HDMI for the picture. All you need is a cheap RCA to 3.5mm adaptor.


The only problem is it will only be 2.1 stereo sound but will still sound great with good analogue headphones like your Sennheiser PC 330.

I hope that helps.

You can also get the sound via RCA from the old AV out cable whilst using HDMI for the picture. All you need is a cheap RCA to 3.5mm adaptor.


The only problem is it will only be 2.1 stereo sound but will still sound great with good analogue headphones like your Sennheiser PC 330.

I hope that helps.


Thankyou, this helps a lot 👍 :cheers:

The only problem now though is how to connect the microphone, can this be done with a simple 3.5mm to USB adaptor?

EDIT: By any chance do you know where I can get one of those online cheap? There aren't many specialist electronics shops around where I live, other than Maplins, but it doesn't seem to be in their online catalogue.
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Thankyou, this helps a lot 👍 :cheers:

The only problem now though is how to connect the microphone, can this be done with a simple 3.5mm to USB adaptor?

I don't think there is any easy way to make the mic work but a 3.5mm to bluetooth transmitter might do the trick.
I don't think there is any easy way to make the mic work but a 3.5mm to bluetooth transmitter might do the trick.

Ok, thanks :) I'll look into it, there must be an adaptor out there somewhere just for this purpose. Just hope it isn't as expensive as my headset like the other one :yuck:

EDIT: They do exist, there is an official USB adapter for 3.5mm singstar microphones for use with PS3, so i'm presuming it will work the same. Probably pick it up for £3-4 on ebay. Can get one on amazon for £2.20, but not an official one. I think the PS3 supports USB input but only for voice chat. But will it still work if only the microphone port is plugged in I wonder... The chat audio is going to try and come through that and not through the RCA cable so it probably won't :( Unless I use another adaptor like this but reversed:


Just think, Sony could solve this by allowing audio output through USB with a small update... But they want to protect sales of their 'official' headsets. This might be worth a try if I can get all the adapters needed for <£10, but there is the possibility it won't work and so i'll have to put up with awful sound quality from TV speakers.
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Yeah I think the official Singstar mic adapter would work and you might also be able to use those 3rd party ones but I would make sure that someone has got it to work before you buy.

Another option would be to buy the PS Eye camera which has a microphone array. You can pick them up for ebay for around £8-10 and there are loads on every day.

Yeah I think the official Singstar mic adapter would work and you might also be able to use those 3rd party ones but I would make sure that someone has got it to work before you buy.

Another option would be to buy the PS Eye camera which has a microphone array. You can pick them up for ebay for around $10-15 and there are loads on every day.


Even with the singstar mic, there may be a problem getting both the voice chat and the main audio through into my headset. The PS3 compatability wasn't essential, it's just a bonus. The main purpose was to use them as regular headphones with the intention of getting a new desktop in the near future to play pc games. As I say, if I can get the parts cheap (I'm sure my Girlfriend's Dad might have some of these lieing around) I think i'll take a punt and just go for it.
Most games I think have the option to either output the incoming voice chat to the headset on a dedicated channel or have it mixed in with the normal speaker sounds. If the game can do the second one then your sorted because you will hear it with everything else in the headphones.
Most games I think have the option to either output the incoming voice chat to the headset on a dedicated channel or have it mixed in with the normal speaker sounds. If the game can do the second one then your sorted because you will hear it with everything else in the headphones.

As stand-alone microphones are usually bluetooth, I think i'm going to search for an adapter of the type you suggested. I think it would ensure all the audio comes through to the headset.

EDIT: Someone has done this:

This is the answer I need :D It does work as the PS3 itself lets you set the audio channel to default system setting, whilst letting you connect the microphone. The only obstacle now is the reach of the cables, but i'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I don't know how long the cable is yet.

EDIT: The headset has arrived an i'm very happy with it :) It isn't like a clamp on my head like several reviews suggested (Headsets i've had in the past have been far worse) The sound has very good clarity and a good amount of base without booming. The wire is a lot longer than I expected, which means i'll have no problem hooking it up to my PS3.
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