Looking for a Honda Del Sol

  • Thread starter jdrew2448
United States
United States
Hey i am looking for a honda del sol and have not had any luck finding it in the used dealership. I would be willing to trade some decent cars for it.
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I've got two at the moment. so I can trade you one (Silver or Samba Green?)
Both used with some miles on the clock however.

I will need to be fed Orange paint chips... for me to do the trade. FR me and I'll get the car ready for you.

First post eh.
well read the sticky posts (Top of each forum) for a good place to start, often your simple question will find an answer in the first few paragraphs...

I'm off to race now, so I'll be able to post the car to you now... or in 2 hours time.

catch you laters
- this is the third del Sol I've traded this month... only 7 days old this month too.

I need my dose of Dreamy Sleepy Nightie Snoozy Snooze.