Looking for a ... mentor?

  • Thread starter oik01
Im very slow at GT5. Have put in time and did most of the licenses. I am still very slow in the game. Was wondering if any experienced players were interested in taking on.... a project??!
Did you gold the license tests? I suggest going back through the license tests and trying to get gold on them. It may be frustrating but if you can get gold in all of the license tests, you should be really fast in the races. The license tests teach you proper technique.
I did get gold in many but never felt it helped me. It really is a matter of trial and error I feel, but I never got to the point were I can get gold consistently thats why I stopped.

Joined a group before, met a really nice guy who teamed up with me in a championship and taught me a LOT. Ended up having to skip practices and races way too often coz of my crazy work schedule and I just felt bad about it so I told them I cant keep up and quit. Might give it another go though :S
I would imagine that with GT6 coming out in 7 days, most of the more experienced racers around here will probably not be playing GT5 anymore. It is unknown whether or not the servers are even going to support GT5 online game play once GT6 drops.
The only thing the licence tests taught me was "late braking". Everything else is pretty much wreckless.

I found the special events to be a good place to learn, its all about shaving time off the run which is ideal for becoming faster.
Im very slow at GT5. Have put in time and did most of the licenses. I am still very slow in the game. Was wondering if any experienced players were interested in taking on.... a project??!
BDoggPrelude is right what he said about GT6 coming out in 7 days, most of the more experienced racers around here will probably not be playing GT5 anymore. But if and when you buy GT6 and play it we are always here if you need help with anything.
If you're getting GT6, then join the WRS (Weekly Race Series) Time Trials. They're a very helpful bunch of guys & your driving & lap time will improve. Also, they run different divisions, so you're almost always competitive within your division. And lastly, the results are done on a handicapped basis, so it's quite possible for a lower division driver to win.

Check out the GT5 WRS TT's here. Unfortunately, the final one is currently being run. :(

Good luck with your driving! 👍
Thanks everyone. Definitely going to get gt6 even though I was dissapointed by many of hte leaks ( no livery editor was big especially for online :() I just wanted to improve a bit before starting the new game :S