Looking for kpgc 10 skyline

Hey people i'm looking for a 1970 KPGC10 Skyline tell me what you want for it and i'll see what i can trade for it let's say an R 34,33,32 or something ....
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am willing to give up my kpgc10 but am desperate to get a blitz skyline r34.

i will give u a few other cars with the kpgc10 for a blitz.

ID siosayskyline
I have a kpgc10 in ticket form, I already sent a car today but i THINK i can send a ticket anyway. I would do it for a r-32
im not panicking but man i've been around the world and just happen to miss it by a hair every time ive got the 73 one but man this is frustrating if you think i bought GT mostly to see that car and how disappointed i was when i realised it's a standard but even so its the legendary GTR can't beat that.