You have any horns or museum cards?
I can send 5 whites but won't be until tomorrow.
I have 91 horns
Do you have any of the ones I don't have in this pic?
I can give you any 5 paints you want if you have 4-5 horns I want.
I have 104, 110, 116, 136, 137, 138, 141, 159, 166, 178
Could you send me 10 paint chips that I want?
I can send you 5 today, now in fact for 5 horns. If you can guarantee that you will send the other 5 tomorrow (for another 5 paints) than I can mark them off my list and nobody else will send me them.
Add my PSN shepzki, send any 5 horns & I will send paints straight back. Oh, and what 5 paints would you like?
Matte White and Matte Brown, so as the title speaks.
Ok, 3 of 1 and 2 of another then, when can you send?
I have a matte white and matte brown paintchip, do you have museumcards you wanna get rid of?
It'll do since I'm not in hurry, please add GDB420JP to send chips there, what do you want in return?