Looking for RUF Tuners to be Sponsored in my Dealership in 1 Week

United States
Lexington, KY
I am trying something new.

What will my dealership be?
- It will be in the marketplace with people can browse and trade all of my RUF models and cars. I will have new models, used models, and race cars. This will be visually based with lots of photo and graphics. I want to make it look like you'd be at a dealership buying a car.

Where do I and my tunes come in?
I would like to have a race version of each of the 5 RUF models- BTR, Yellow Bird, CTR2, RGT and 3400S. These cars will be fully modified and then tuned by you. I am looking for one tune of each model right now and the final vote for the tune will be decided by me.

What do I get out of this?
Lots of exposure. How much is a lot? I haven't even opened the dealership and I have already taken requests for trades for the next 3 weeks and I still have lots of people wanting to get in line. With each tune, there will be a bit about the car and yourself and your tune. I am not sure if I will give away the tune info or it will be kept secret so people have to trade for the car. I am thinking the later. There will also be a link to your garage or whatever you would like. And when a car sells, I can also send you something or I can get the person trading to send you something. Let me know what you all think.

What if I don't own one of these cars but I want to test/ tune?
I can share a used car that I will fully modify and add a set of sport hard, sport soft, and racing soft tires. You can borrow the shared car and send me the adjustments when you are done so I can test it.

What am I tuning for?
An all around time attack car I guess. I want it as fast around any track. A great handler and lots of grip. I would prefer it not be tuned for one specific track but I do a lot of my testing on Grand Valley Speedway, Deep Forest, and Trial Mountain.

The dealership will open Sunday 8/28 so I need final tunes before then.

Who's Tuning What
CTR "Yellow Bird" - Adrenaline
CTR2 - XDesperado67

Final Decisions
3400S - ACSR421
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Do you want it tuned for both online and off or is just an offline time attack tune acceptable?

Either way Harvey Wallbanger here will have a couple of them tuned shortly for you to try.:D
Think the Outlaw Motorsports Garage team can make a good shot at getting you set up.👍👍
Do you want it tuned for both online and off or is just an offline time attack tune acceptable?

Either way Harvey Wallbanger here will have a couple of them tuned shortly for you to try.:D
Think the Outlaw Motorsports Garage team can make a good shot at getting you set up.👍👍

I don't know. I've tried the tunes I've finalized offline. I have yet to try them online. Not sure how they were tuned. I guess my Target audience would want online tuning.

great idea..... :sly:

you stalking me man? :)
Xdesperado, ACS turned offline but he is double checking and updating for online use too. Why car will you be tuning?
Xdesperado, ACS turned offline but he is double checking and updating for online use too. Why car will you be tuning?
CTR2 to start with unless AC is already working on one.
Just bought another low mileage one in the UCD I'll send you the car when I've got it tuned.
CTR2 to start with unless AC is already working on one.
Just bought another low mileage one in the UCD I'll send you the car when I've got it tuned.

Just the two for him. I want to give a few people a chance to tune and get some rep so I don't want people to try and tune them all.
If you want, paint it a wild color. My RGT is bright orange and the 3400S will be a medium metallic blue, if not the same color as his tune.