Looking For Screenshots

  • Thread starter Derek Blue
I am looking for a few screen shots from the game, but I haven't found what I'm looking for yet.

I'm looking for good pics of any Racing Modified car taken in the Garage or on the Race Modification screen.

If anyone can let me know of a site where they are, or be willing to take them for me, I would be greatful.
Here is my GT-one race car ´99


  • psogl010.jpg
    79.8 KB · Views: 304
Here, this is my only 300 zx; I´ve improved the graphics a bit - too slow to play but great for screenshots


  • psogl0012.jpg
    82.2 KB · Views: 283
As for skylines...

The rear well is a slightly deformed, guess that wasn´t the best angle


  • psogl0013.jpg
    85.6 KB · Views: 283
And finally

These are all my skylines. In the arcade´s garage cars tend to get a bit fat. If you prefer sim disc´s garage just tell me.


  • psogl0015.jpg
    84.7 KB · Views: 243
What is ?

Hey burnout thanks for your post.
It brought me back to reality when I was trying to post the crx del sol LM under bmp format. Not much of a difference just 3.124 something KB to 84 KB of the jpg format. The blue bar kept growing, but slow, real slow :banghead:
Yeah, the 100K limit will stop you after you've wasted your time.

If you have good image-editing software, then you should crunch the screen-shot JPEGs down to 70-80%. The PSX rendering engine doesn't use ultra-high-quality colors, PS2 will be another matter...
What can you fit to your PC to get screenshots like that? Is it like a special graphics card or owt?:embarrassed: sorry for askign such a dumbass question!
You know this ePSXe 1.6, I tried to get it working on my PC and I couldn't I spent hours trying, and in the end I gave up I don't think I ever got past settings it was just a bugger, is that the best by far and if not are any of the others easier to set up?

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