Looking for tunes for BMW 120d and mazdaspeed atenze

gt5racer0206 OR cool_username
Looking for a good tune for the BMW 120d and Mazdaspeed atenza

i think both of these cars have good potential for <500pp cars, wondering if anyone would be up for tuning them, havent been able to find much
I assume you tried the 11 the sticky leads you to, and all 11 of them sucked so bad, that you wrote a review to a garage and your review was so good that the didn't even know how to respond and then after all of that, you decided to use the tuning applications and both of them broke as soon as you input the first value, you finally gave up and said, maybe I'll apply one of the other Mazda Atenza tunes and see what happens, and both of those sucked too... right?
Of course you exhausted all other options before creating this thread...
hmmmm this time he isn't just all wrong! There isn't any tune for the BMW 120 neither for the Mazdaspeed... Still it is not the way to show up around here by asking for 2 tunes.

Advise to the OP and boomee go to a garage and write a review for a already existing tune of whatever car and you might get a tune in return! There are even some garages tuning without writing a review...
I assume you tried the 11 the sticky leads you to, and all 11 of them sucked so bad, that you wrote a review to a garage and your review was so good that the didn't even know how to respond and then after all of that, you decided to use the tuning applications and both of them broke as soon as you input the first value, you finally gave up and said, maybe I'll apply one of the other Mazda Atenza tunes and see what happens, and both of those sucked too... right?
Of course you exhausted all other options before creating this thread...

no actually I looked for a tune in your everytune on this thread and FOUND NOTHING FOR THE MAZDASPEED ATENZA! not looking for the mazda atenza different car ( FWD vs AWD ) get it right dude. No need to be a smart butt or be rude
no actually I looked for a tune in your everytune on this thread and FOUND NOTHING FOR THE MAZDASPEED ATENZA! not looking for the mazda atenza different car ( FWD vs AWD ) get it right dude. No need to be a smart butt or be rude

You should ask a garage... you will have more sucess, than here! Just like I said some will tune it, even without a review...
no actually I looked for a tune in your everytune on this thread and FOUND NOTHING FOR THE MAZDASPEED ATENZA! not looking for the mazda atenza different car ( FWD vs AWD ) get it right dude. No need to be a smart butt or be rude

Illiteracy doesn't suit anyone.
There is far more in my thread, than just a list of tunes.
There are step by step instructions of what to do when you can't find the exact tune you're looking for.
I even put them in big colorful text just for little boys and girls like you to see. :)
Picture proof of the first 7...
And quite frankly, if the OP had researched the car, they'd probably know that the Mazdaspeed6 is primarily a FWD car, with the ability to send 50% of the power to the rear wheels when needed. The first thing I'd do is leave the LSD and Torque splitter alone and apply the brilliant RKM Motorsport’s Atenza 23RS to it. I, along with many others I suspect, have successfully applied this build to different versions of the Mazda 6.

Just try some stuff before turning up, cap in expectant hand. You'll be better received if you do...

I assume you tried the 11 the sticky leads you to, and all 11 of them sucked so bad, that you wrote a review to a garage and your review was so good that the didn't even know how to respond and then after all of that, you decided to use the tuning applications and both of them broke as soon as you input the first value, you finally gave up and said, maybe I'll apply one of the other Mazda Atenza tunes and see what happens, and both of those sucked too... right?
Of course you exhausted all other options before creating this thread...

thank you, thats exactly what happened, how did you know? now someone UNDERSTANDS , i really appreciate the help, if you cant tell im rather new hear and havent spent much time tuning cars, you must spend a lot of time here...sorry for wasting your entire life by making a useless thread
I've not yet done a proper MS6/MS Atenza tune yet but there's a reason for that...

Namely that it's very difficult to make the MS6 as fun as the normal 6/Atenza. It'll be quicker thanks to power advantage but cornering speeds are actually a bit lower on the same tires.
im actually more interested in the 120d, being a diesel and having near 300hp 400lb-ft tq with mods, i think it has potential, the closest ive found is the tune for the 135, anyways i guess ill keep looking
I promise, I'm not being a smartass here, I'm genuinely curious.
Did you try any of the tunes on GTVault, for the 120D? There are 7 of those as well.
no i havent because the power seems to be quite different, but i will try it, to be honest i never thought it was a big deal to ask for a tune, i thought people enjoyed tuning cars
I do have a tune for 120d, but it's under progress. has been for a while. it's not fast, and it is bit.. stubborn.. in terms of handling.
Illiteracy doesn't suit anyone.
There is far more in my thread, than just a list of tunes.
There are step by step instructions of what to do when you can't find the exact tune you're looking for.
I even put them in big colorful text just for little boys and girls like you to see. :)
Picture proof of the first 7...

First of all you are acting like a smartass its not appreciated. for whaatever reason I was not able to find the tune the first couple of times. its no problem I made my own. I was just looking for others as for the 120d forget it
Illiteracy doesn't suit anyone.

First of all you are acting like a smartass its not appreciated. for whaatever reason I was not able to find the tune the first couple of times. its no problem I made my own. I was just looking for others as for the 120d forget it
I'm not acting, I am one; watch.

Comma after all
Period after smartass
It's not its
For not for
whatever not whaatever
It's not its
Period after others
Capitalize as
Comma after 120d
Period at the end of your sentence
