Looking to borrow a rally car

i just need one for the Level 20 rally special event. I dont want to buy one, just use it to pass the event to get to level 21. i promise i will give it back. i am the most trust worthy person you can ever meet. i just dont have the money to buy a rally car seeing as they are 850,000 Cr. really dont want to grind one track for 5 hours just to get to level 21

please can anyone lend me one for like an hour or so just so i can beat the event?
If you can do the Gallardo Expert race, you win a very nice Lancia S4 that can dominate in the advanced rally races. It outclasses the modern cars by a few hundred less kgs and about 140 more HP.

I realize this helps little if you lack a Gallardo, but I figured it would be worth a shot.
is the gallardo race easy? i could prob ask a friend to lend my his gallardo. thanks for the info
Also the Loeb challenge isn't that hard to gold any a C4 WRC is the prize. The C4 will tear up the competition in the intermediate and advanced rallys.
Well if your friend can't loan you one, I'll loan you mine. The Gallardo that is.. I didnt give it a crazy tune, I just tuned it enough to win. Pretty sure you could win it with just new tires but I dropped some weight on it.

PSN name is LordBeer. Let me know if you'd like it and I'll run to my PS3 and send it your way. 👍
thanks lordbeer. its a fun car to drive gripped real nice. thanks to everyone else for letting me know how to get the rally car
No problem sir. Glad everything went smoothly. Thank you for sending the car back so quickly. I dunno if loaner cars work for the reputation thread, but you are a stand up guy in my book.