Looking to buy Forza 2...

  • Thread starter tapetape
...But I don't have an Xbox 360...

I currently have a PS3 and am thinking of selling it to buy a 360 and forza 2.

Would you do it...?

I'm wondering though, is forza 2 still great even if you can't get online?
What isn't available if I can't get online?
and is the game similar to most other racing games (win races get money/cars etc etc).

please no fanboy answers.

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...But I don't have an Xbox 360...

I currently have a PS3 and am thinking of selling it to buy a 360 and forza 2.

Would you do it...?


No. If you have a ps3 is already good enuf so..yeah I wont. But If you really want Forza 2 that bad, then yeah of course. The game does get very addicting like "ooo, I just unlocked the F430" That kind of fun I mean. And also the car custom paint decals and vynels is going to have you infanite hours of art customization.
If there is not online then you should atleast try to get a 360 with out selling your PS3. But Forza 2 is very nice...its just that GT5:P's graphics make it look bad.
Forza 2 is still a very good game without being able to go online. I played it for months without ever going online. It's pretty similar in the way you are saying to other car games. Probably rhe most similar to Gran Turismo in the way you pick races and unlock cars.

Really though, have you tried ferrari challenge on the ps3. You might want to give it, and the formula 1 championship game a go before you trade in the ps3. You could try them out, and wait on forza 3 to come out before you trade in for the 360.
It depends, what system has more games that you like? Is Forza the only reason you want a 360 or are there a bunch of other games you want too? Do you play online a lot? Do more of your friends have 360's or PS3's? Do you have an HDTV? Do you like Blu-Rays?

Really just save your money for a little bit and buy a 360, they aren't that expensive. They are £160 on Amazon and I'm sure if you look you can find them cheaper. It's worth it to have both systems in my opinion, both have things the other one does not.


Forza is fine if you play it offline, I rarely play it online because unless I'm with my friends I get tossed into some room with a bunch of hacks who like to play demo derby. It plays like any other racing game and is as fun or as boring as you want to make it.
Offline is pretty good if you try to not buy anything you don't need. It adds a good challenge to it.
Really just save your money for a little bit and buy a 360, they aren't that expensive. They are £160 on Amazon and I'm sure if you look you can find them cheaper. It's worth it to have both systems in my opinion, both have things the other one does not.

Exactly. I love my 360 and Forza 2 is an awesome game, but if I had a ps3 I would not sell it just to get a 360 for Forza. You can pick up a 360 Arcade for pretty cheap, and then just pick up a used hard drive for it if you plan to use it for anything besides Forza, since the 360 arcade only comes w/ a dinky memory stick.

Plus, Forza 2 is like 20 new and 10 dollars used. Save your money and get both for sure.
Don't do it. I have both an Xbox 360 and a copy of Forza 2, and while it's a great game, no, it's not worth it to buy an Xbox just for Forza 2, especially when you already own a PS3, and are going to trade for it. It's just not worth it.

Now, if you already had the Xbox, then I'd say do it now.
Thanks for all the replies they have been really useful. the main reason I wanted forza was for the customization.

I have a "revelation" (not sure that is the right word). I was thinking GT5 won't be out for a while and I have a phone contract, so when I need to renew my contract I could get a PS3 again if I sold mine now.
I hadn't really thought of this before but the up sides are I'm not missing anything as Forza 3 will be out before GT5 and With my phone contract I would be able to get a PS3 for free (or close to).
The thing is I don't even play my PS3 much any more, just my PS2 for GT4. Also all of the Tuning/Modding games on PS3 don't seem to cut it...

Forza 2 was the only game I planned on buying but I hear left 4 dead is amazing too.

...to answer a few of those questions...
I have a HD tv but don't have any Blu-rays as DVD is good enough for me for films.
I don't game online at all at this time as I only have "mobile broadband" so no ethernet.
I had thought of getting Ferrari challenge but I want more than one choice of car (namely the BMW's in Forza + more) and I'm not much into F1 games.

Also I was going to sell my PS3 and not just trade it in 'cause stores always rip you off with their low trade-in prices.

Thanks again, also with my new situation, would you...?

I'm thinking I defiantly will now as the 360 is alot cheaper than the PS3 so I may even have some spare cash left over too.
It´s not cheaper to sell your ps 3 and buy it again unless. I don´t know what deal you got I guess the monthly fee is huge on that phone :)

Keep the PS 3 get a cheap Xbox 360 (lot cheaper then PS 3). Run Forza 2, PGR 4, Need 4 speed shift (360 games just about always tend to get better graphics then PS 3 still) and then Forza 3.

If you don´t own a wheel the 360 gamepad is much more suitable for racing games then the PS 3 controller. So in this particular case sure go for it. But if you know you want to run GT 5 don´t sell and rebuy the PS 3.

As for GT 5 Prologue versus Forza 2. graphics doesn´t make a racing game it´s the feel which is primarily due to the physics and controller responses and to some extent sound that give you that.
the only game i've ever bought a system for is GT. I wouldn't even consider buying an XBOX just to try Forza, as much as I do want to play it, you have to try it first, why would you throw all that money away to try a game? you don't know anyone with an XBOX that will let you test the game on it?
If you go buy FM2 get the Platinum Hits version of the game, because it has all the DLC stuff on an extra disc. When purchasing a 360 make sure you get one with a 60 GB or 120 GB hard drive, and a prepaid 12+1 month XBL card, and go reserve a copy of FM3 it will out in Oct. 2009. The 360 controller is so much better than the PS3 controller..

...But I don't have an Xbox 360...

I currently have a PS3 and am thinking of selling it to buy a 360 and forza 2.

Would you do it...?

I'm wondering though, is forza 2 still great even if you can't get online?
What isn't available if I can't get online?
and is the game similar to most other racing games (win races get money/cars etc etc).

please no fanboy answers.

GT5 is expected to be annouced next week during the GamesCon in Köln, and the release date could be December 11th.
FM3 will be released on October 23rd.

I'd say it's a bit late to think at buying Forza2.
Or else you have to stop hesitating and just go and buy it.
To truly appreciate Forza 2 you really need to be able to get online. As much as I love Forza 2 I would say no dont sell your PS3 just to get Forza 2. Also you cant truly appreciate the 360 unless you can get online. So at this point just keep your PS3. It just doesnt make sense to sell your PS3 right now then buy another PS3 again later.

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