losening up handling

Actually, the CTR-2 can be hustled around quite effectively once you realize how the understeer works and how easily it is to turn on and off with control inputs. I've only ever driven it with stock suspension, but once I recognized the understeer, I could turn in early under braking, aim the car at the inside wall before the apex, and then use the throttle to four-wheel-drift the car past the apex and out the other side.

But in general, try softening the front suspension and stiffening the rear. Try a lot of toe out in back; like -2.0 degrees.
How loose you looking for?

Try these:

Springs: 4.0/20.0
Ride Hgt: 77/110
Shock Bnd: 1/10
Rebound: 10/1
Camber: 3/10
Toe: 1.0/2.0
Stab: 1/7

LSD's : 5's across the board
ASM & TCS off
VCD: 10%

T2's on the back and T4's in front.