Loss of power in my real car.

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
Hoping you guys can point me in a direction on this one.

My 1996 VM (140,000+ miles) has been acting up recently. When I push the gas pedal more than 1/2 way down, the power drops off. In fact, the car can hardly get moving. If I tickle the throttle, is moves and accelerates, but very slowly.

It almost feels like my exhaust is being restricted. In other words, when there is a light flow of exhaust the engine operates as expected. But when I stomp floor it, the exhaust can exit, so the engine bogs.

I can remember years ago, that when I opened the throttle on my snowmobile, it would bog out, when it was running rich.

It has started to idle rough as well.

The car is scheduled to get it's timing belt replaced on Tuesday, so it'd be helpful if I had a few hints on what might be the problem.



My first and immediate guess is oxygen sensors. At 140,000 miles they're probably due for the second replacement, which means if you've never replaced them they are way overdue.

The engine management relies heavily upon the feedback from comparing the signals from the two oxygen sensors, one upstream of the cat and one downstream.

I don't know about VWs, but for the Neons they run about $80 a pop from Bosch. Installation should run you less than an hour to do them both, especially if they are doing the timing belt as well.
The other possibility at that mileage is that the honeycomb stuff inside the catalytic convertor is breaking up, clogging the exhaust stream as you suggest. That is very possible, but my money is still on the O2 sensors.
Another thing to look into is your water/fuel pump. My full size truck (219,000 miles) was doing the same thing for quite sometime. Never put it in the shop though, I just thought it was me not being able to tell the difference between my Xtreme's acceleration and my full size. Then one day, it just would not start. Wouldn't even try to turn over. Everyone and their mother told me it was the timing chain for sure. I took it in to get repaired, and it turned out my fuel pump was beyond bad. The guy that replaced it said, "It looked as if this thing was threating to go for awhile. It is simple why it wouldn't start, no fuel in the engine." I drove it for a solid week, and it was like the truck only had 50,000 miles on it, not 219,000. A heck of a lot cheaper fixing that, then the timing chain. :)
Originally posted by Der Alta
Hoping you guys can point me in a direction on this one.

My 1996 VM (140,000+ miles) has been acting up recently. When I push the gas pedal more than 1/2 way down, the power drops off. In fact, the car can hardly get moving. If I tickle the throttle, is moves and accelerates, but very slowly.

It almost feels like my exhaust is being restricted. In other words, when there is a light flow of exhaust the engine operates as expected. But when I stomp floor it, the exhaust can exit, so the engine bogs.

I can remember years ago, that when I opened the throttle on my snowmobile, it would bog out, when it was running rich.

It has started to idle rough as well.

The car is scheduled to get it's timing belt replaced on Tuesday, so it'd be helpful if I had a few hints on what might be the problem.


Could be electrical, had a coil go out after 200,000.0 miles did the same thing as you decribe
iI did indeed mean VW.

Ok, thanks Guys, I figured it might be the distributor cap, but the O2 sensor makes sense. I had the exhaust replaced less than 20,000 miles ago, and this past weekend I could feel plenty of pressure while idling. So, I'll have the oxygen sensors checked, as well as the Fuel Pump.

It's funny though, this started up during the rain storm.

Throttle body in it's entirety has crapped out. $316, $100 (2 hours) to install.

