LSD Simplified?

  • Thread starter phil_75
Please can someone explain what each function of an LSD is and give an example?

I have read through all the threads but I come out more confused than when I went in!

I thought I sort of had it, I was putting Initial and Accel at 5 for cars like LMP's that spin wheels/oversteer easily but earlier I tried someones suggestion of 35/50/35 on the AUDI Team Oreca Playstiaton 05 (The one in OCD) and it was great, felt much better and kept the car under control. (DS3 user!)

So that has turned what I thought the LSD did on its head!!!

Please can someone take a car on RS tyres (So its easier to feel the changes just in LSD) and make it handle/feel better and explain the LSD changes.

I put Initial on xx because it does/makes/gives xxxxxxxx!
I put Accel on.........................
Iput Brake on..........................

In plain English please.

The McLaren MP4 would be a good test car, totally stock but with RS Tyres (custom LSD of course!) , post settings then we can all try it, so if there are conflicting methods we can all feel which makes most sense!
He did say simplify, to me simplify would be reading within 5 min. Out of all the articles I read I spent 20 mins reading, and another 20 to understand. People will continue to argue, while im not here to do that. I have tried alot of tuning by researching what I read. And my opinion is, some articles are 100% accurate, but parts of them I seem to get worse results. So I now go with trial and error. I'm also a DS3 user, and if you find a wheel tune, try it. It'll be very loose, too loose. For example I gave a wheel user one of my nurburg tunes. He explained it being way to stiff, but I received a comment from a DS3 user saying the tune is a beast. All in all, just read up. And get a idea and take time to really test out the tune.
I have read them all as it says in my original post, if you don't want to contibute to the thread then don't clutter it up like the ones in the Links!

And no I am not interested in someone tuning a McLaren FOR ME! Change cars then, but it must be the same car for all.

Am I asking too much, this will help lots of people not just me!
I got a new analogy:
IT: range from 5 to 60.
The higher this number, the more stable your car will be as you go from the sudden transitions from stomping your brakes, to slamming the pedal to the plastic. I say stable, because maybe your car handles just fine without limiting the rotational differences, so you may as well set this a higher value, if you are confident with your throttle and brake control on the track that you know all so well. a higher value will still act on ACC and DEC (below) just kickin later than sooner.

ACC: range from 5 to 60.
Think of it this way, you are iceskating. if you set this at lower numberical values, think of it as a beast pushing you hard from behind. You will go forth all crazy like, perhaps overskating at flying to either side, but it's fun isn't it?
If you set this higher number, think of that same beast, pulling you hard and fast by the hands and arms, you will fly straighter, at the cost of turning ability as described in the manual.

Decel, a low number, that beast slowing you down but he is standing in front of you, pushing your nose down, so your body will sway side to side as you slow. perhaps that is what you want! (Cough, Nurburgring, cough)
Decel, a high value number, that beast will slow you down as if opening a huge parachute from behind you to slow you down nice and easy, but more in a straight line.(cough, LaSarthe, wheeze excuse me)

Think of all three values, there is no perfect setting, and unfortunately act different from most cars and their suspension setups.
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I have read them all as it says in my original post, if you don't want to contibute to the thread then don't clutter it up like the ones in the Links!

And no I am not interested in someone tuning a McLaren FOR ME! Change cars then, but it must be the same car for all.

Am I asking too much, this will help lots of people not just me!

I sincerely tried to help you by posting that link. That link is the "simplified" description of the LSD from every tuner who chose to submit over the last year. If you read them, you will see that most agree with each other. I really don't know what more you are looking for.
No messing around, this is what your looking for.

Initial Torque
The higher this setting is, the more easily the LSD will lock and the more responsive acceleration will be. The lower it is, the more slowly the LSD will take affect. Increasing the Initial Torque will accentuate the handling peculiarities of a vehicle's drivetrain layout. Therefore, oversteer will be increased in RWD cars and understeer will be increased in FWD cars. Although this improves traction in both cases, it will make turning more difficult. As such, initial torque adjustments should be made with the desired handling requirements in mind.

Acceleration Sensitivity
The acceleration setting governs the effectiveness of the LSD when stepping on the accelerator and the stronger it is, the more drive power is transmitted to the wheels and the more quickly the car will be able to clear corners. However, this will also accenuate any handling peculiararities, and getting the car to point in the direction needed to exit the corner may require some skill.

Deceleration Sensitivity
The deceleration setting governs the effectiveness of the LSD when the accelerator is released. The stronger it is, the more stable it will be upon entry into a corner while braking. This allows you to go into the turn very fast, because you can keep braking longer than you would otherwise. However, this makes turning more difficult and is only recommended for advanced drivers who are skilled at compensating for initial understeer.
Jackthalad - I added your LSD description to the LSD Guide Summaries thread. Sorry to say, but your description is now the longest of all of the "summaries" posted in that thread and are a bit different from the majority of the descriptions.

Still not understanding how Phil could still be confused.

If any other tuners have a thoery on how the LSD works in GT5, please let me know and I will add your thoughts to the op.
If anyone has some solid numbers that can be crunched for real world LSD tuning I might be able to apply it to GT in my calculator. So far I have all of the Suspension settings and the transmission, it would be nice to have something better for the LSD.
We can't simplify what we can't agree on.
I'm 100% biased, but I think mine is as... shall we say, dumbed down, as it gets.
I think 35/50/35 is great for many cars with racing slicks. It's also great for most tunes that don't have the suspension really dialed in good.

The following advice really applies to FR and MR tunes:

If you trail brake to the apex and the car is oversteering (usually tight corners), lowering decel value to 10 - 15 might help. A high value might not allow the rear wheels to rotate at different rates sufficiently.

Some people have used very high decel settings for some difficult cars like Shelby Cobra.

There is very little disadvantage to having high accel settings (28 - 40). You may need to apply part throttle coming out of tight corners but you will have a very solid and precise car for all mid and high speed sections of the circuit. If you start to spin wheels in a tight corner just reduce acceleration for a moment, even come completely off the throttle for a moment.

I find that having a very low accel setting (5 - 12) can be a terrible thing for low speed corners. If you spin the inside rear tyre you can spin the car from the reduced overall grip at the rear of the car. At best the car is understeery, mushy and slow. If the tuner has tuned this out with small increments the car can end up being unpredictable and uncontrollable. Lets say the understeer is gone at accel 20, I prefer accel at least 20% higher (24+).

High initial values can be good for someone that drives aggressively. Increasing initial can cure a car that seems to oversteer for no reason under acceleration well after the apex of a bend. Lowering accel might help a car turn a little tighter when coasting.

I recommend making large adjustments to differential settings to see the changes they make. Except for making incremental adjustments to accel to reduce understeer, like I mentioned earlier, small adjustment can be very difficult to detect.

Lastly, for very low power cars and to some extent cars with low grip tyres, a far more open differential might be better (so low setting values).
MrGrado - If you could simplify your thoughts a bit I will add them to the LSD Guide Summaries. All of the others in that forum are clearly listed with three categories and short descriptions of what effect each number has.

Initail Torque

What do the do when you raise the number or lower the number? A summary.
Well I have learn't more in this page than all the other threads, so if its pointless why do you keep coming here posting and poaching out of here to put in your threads!

This has been a great help without trawling through hundreds of pages.

I still would like someone to post an LSD tune for a car so I / we can feel the difference as stated in OP!
... why do you keep coming here posting and poaching out of here to put in your threads!

Well, because it makes much more sense to have one thread that shows everyone's ideas on LSDs rather than to keep making new ones asking the same questions. With all thoeries "summaries" in one place it is easy to see the common beliefs within the thoeries. Sorry to say, but much of what has been posted in this thread disagrees with the majority of the tuners. So some of the advice in this forum could lead you or others down yet more path of confusion.
Well I have learn't more in this page than all the other threads, so if its pointless why do you keep coming here posting and poaching out of here to put in your threads!

This has been a great help without trawling through hundreds of pages.

I still would like someone to post an LSD tune for a car so I / we can feel the difference as stated in OP!
If you found this thread "more helpful" then the others, you didn't read the others.
There's a theory in my sig too, in the garage.(it's the "stuff" part) ;)
People are still at odds with what an LSD does in this game with differing views, the only way to tell for certain which is right would be to have a TEST CAR.

The McLaren MP4 or Enzo? But it has to be the same car or 2 cars!

No other parts but custom LSD and the tuners giving their explanation of why they did what they did and posting their settings, then we can all try them and see who's theory holds truest!!!

Having pages of differing theories doesn't help!
People are still at odds with what an LSD does in this game with differing views, the only way to tell for certain which is right would be to have a TEST CAR.

The McLaren MP4 or Enzo? But it has to be the same car or 2 cars!

No other parts but custom LSD and the tuners giving their explanation of why they did what they did and posting their settings, then we can all try them and see who's theory holds truest!!!

Having pages of differing theories doesn't help!

You truly have not read the opening post of the LSD guide summary thread. It is very clearly the tuning thoery of every tuning garage over the past year. No need to go through pages of threads. Just read the opening post of one thread - kinda the point of the thread. 3/4 of the tuners said very close to the same thing. Seems like that would get you close???

No need for the tuners to test out their thoeries just for you. We all believe in our methods and use them on every car we tune. Stop being so lazy and clueless. Find a summary description that makes sense to you and go do some testing on your own.

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