M3 GTR Tire Wear

  • Thread starter nhizzat
United States
Washington, DC
currently using an M3 GTR to race in the grand valley 300km. i've got all the upgrades you can buy for it installed except for the NA/Turbo upgrades [more a-spec points]. anyways, all the settings are at default except for the tranny gearing, brake controller [raised to 10/10], and downforce [lowered about 15pts from max both front/rear]. the question i wanna ask is how can i extend the life of the tires? i'm using RSH on both front & rear but they wear out in about 10laps with me driving, about 14-15laps with the computer driving. my driving style is i push the car as deep into the braking zone as possible and i know this is one cause to the accelerated tire wear, but is there any other factor? braking that hard and late, the car does handles fine but i can hear the tires squealing. what other factors can cause the increased tire wear?
Hi Nhi

Which set of tyres is wearing first? It's usually the rear with higher powered FR cars. If it is, then the first thing I would suggest is being more gentle with the loud pedal. If you feed the power in gradually then you should get less tyre shredding wheelspin.

You have the right idea that braking too hard will also do harm to your tyre life. Lower the Balance settings back to around the 3 zone and press more gently on the pedal. Braking earlier and softer will extend your tyres a bit.

On the whole tho', you can never match the AI for tyre life. It's just an in-game fact you have to live with.
yah that's what i figured. i'm gonna lower the brake controller settings and brake earlier. gonna make it harder to win now tho but oh well, more fun for me. oh it's the front tires wearin out first so it's most likely due to the way i am on the brakes.