currently using an M3 GTR to race in the grand valley 300km. i've got all the upgrades you can buy for it installed except for the NA/Turbo upgrades [more a-spec points]. anyways, all the settings are at default except for the tranny gearing, brake controller [raised to 10/10], and downforce [lowered about 15pts from max both front/rear]. the question i wanna ask is how can i extend the life of the tires? i'm using RSH on both front & rear but they wear out in about 10laps with me driving, about 14-15laps with the computer driving. my driving style is i push the car as deep into the braking zone as possible and i know this is one cause to the accelerated tire wear, but is there any other factor? braking that hard and late, the car does handles fine but i can hear the tires squealing. what other factors can cause the increased tire wear?