macromedia flash

  • Thread starter Dudebusta
is there anyone that is fluent with macromedia flash that could teach me a thing or two.

i am looking to create a few flash movies for a web site and i am a complete noob to flash, can anyone help? :confused:
You can download the trial version from but Im sure you can download the original from kazaa. :P

Make sure you visit the forums at:

Its a photoshop site but it has a section in the forums dedicated to flash, a member there Lillemartin is really good with flash he can help if you have questions.
Use the tutorials in the flash program. They are first rate, and will teach you the basics really quickly. They are interactive, so they show you waht to do.
Definately work through the tutorials! They will take you though all the controls, and step by step, creation of a example project. Take your time and work through it, the reward is great!
