Driver error...

Though I'm the first to admit driver error all over the place... This is not strictly true for the carousel. Some cars like it & some don't. And it's everything to do with the suspension.
The Nurb carousel (as well as the Cape Ring circle) have a LOT to do with the suspension set-up.
So I'm with what Lambo & Chuyler1 said. About camber & toe being of particular concern.
The Cape Ring circle is my long time most detested tuning problem on any track with certain cars. At times, I've just gone back to the fixed sports kit for Cape Ring, because it was better than anything I could tune into the suspension!!
And I know it's a tuning issue for the carousel... Because in unmodified condition, say in a Shuffle race (car, as is)... some cars are beautiful on the carousel. And others not so much.
Indeed, with some cars in a shuffle race, I opt up to ride the flat top wide (which ordinarily wouldn't make sense) & wind up doing better than a lot of faster drivers in that spot (shocking)... Simply because with certain cars it's actually faster than risking the twirls in the banked area. I know now that I'm making the right decision with that, because I started to notice I wasn't the only car to be doing that in a shuffle race...

Once you know some cars really don't like that, it's often better off to just opt out of the carousel altogether.
Clearly if tuning is an option in a race - that would be a big downer, and a huge slow-down, not being able to tune a car that could make it properly through the carousel.
And IMHO (not being the best tuner by any stretch of the imagination)... If I can tune a car to make it nicely through that carousel... When I get it to that point, generally sticks better on the rest of Nurburgring as well! So it's a win-win.