I see several things that might affect your car.
Ride height seems like it is too low... the lowest it will go is 85 mm right? 1mm above minimum ride height might cause your car to bottom out evertime you hit a bumpy road. Try 10 mm to 25 mm higher than the lowest height.
Spring rate. Not sure why you have rear spring rate set higher than front. Integra has more weight on the front, so I think you should try 8/6
Bound and Rebound... try 6 to 8 on both front and rear
Camber... 5.0 in the back seems out of place... maybe you mis-typed 0.5? -_-a
The rumble that you get when you accerate can be quite normal on FF cars with big HP... When the car accerates, it shifts its weight to the rear and your front tires are not getting enough traction so it slips, but when the car settles down a bit (after initial acceration) it should be pretty smooth and stable.
Hope these helped