Man rescues seagull - looses eye (you thought the gentleman's sausage was bad)

  • Thread starter Highlandor
United Kingdom
Retired to a padded cell
Microsoft sucks..
Yeah, the story about the guy loosing his sausage was pretty horrific, and left me sitting rather uncomfortably.

But, yesterday, this was on the British news:

Basically, man 'rescues' a gannet from the beach, as he's carrying it somewhere safe, dog runs up to him - startles the bird, then the bird turns on the guy carrying it and pecks his eye out.

The doctors put his eyeball back in and he's due an op in 4 months to see if he can regain his sight, but the doctors say it's unlikely.

All he was trying to do was a good deed and help a stricken bird - I thought this was rather humbling.

My sincere condolences to this guy, that's so harsh.

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That sucks big time as well... But, I'd rather lose one eye than my Gentleman's Sausage... I mean, I'd still have an eye left, I could probably deal better with that than to, you no, lose my manliness...

Anyways, all the best to that poor fellow.
I would much rather live my life without a penis rather than being blind. . We are beings based on the principle of sight, it's how we understand and interact with the world around us. Perhaps a month with no penis, and a month with no eye please doctor then I can choose. It would be a tough one to puzzle over for torturers over the globe.

Edit: just understood from the story he has ok sight with the good eye, just light and colours in the bad eye.
Looking at the incident itself though It's an example of some good life preserving intelligence on behalf of the bird, using it's best weapon and really effectively dealing with the threat, it knows the eyes are prime targets, it went for both of them. But the real intelligence would have shown itself if after successfully neutralising the threat by blinding it, it then carried on with the nasty work and went for other vital areas.

Anyway, surgeons did a good job by the look of it:
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The lesson here? Always put seagulls out of their misery.

Also, the seagull wouldn't have attacked him had he been carrying a gun.
Well I think after much discussion and ruminating, we are all agreed, it was the dogs fault and should be terminated.
Looking at the incident itself though It's an example of some good life preserving intelligence on behalf of the bird, using it's best weapon and really effectively dealing with the threat, it knows the eyes are prime targets, it went for both of them.

Yeah, I've seen documentaries about how some birds will go for the eyes - how ironic that it wasn't the guy that was a threat but the dog that was trying to get the gull in his hands. I guess the gull just reacted how it knows best, brought on by a combination of fear, panic and confusion possibly.

This is what the guy gets for re-suing a seagull. Talk about your frivolous lawsuits.

Hmm, talking of irony, an American talking about frivilous lawsuits - of course, that'd never happen in the good ol' US of A now would it...??

Typo on thread title corrected.

Only on GTPlanet could someone feel the need to highlight a typo as being more important showing a bit of understanding in a situation like this, a premium member too - good to see you guys setting an example we should all follow...

I'm sure the guy who lost the eye would really appreciate your compassion and sense of humour - nice one...

Hmm, talking of irony, an American talking about frivilous lawsuits - of course, that'd never happen in the good ol' US of A now would it...??

Typo on thread title corrected.

Only on GTPlanet could someone feel the need to highlight a typo as being more important showing a bit of understanding in a situation like this, a premium member too - good to see you guys setting an example we should all follow...

I'm sure the guy who lost the eye would really appreciate your compassion and sense of humour - nice one...


Just, wow.

I don't think the bird was confused, it did the right thing to get some large upright mammal from trying to hold it. Then it might be in a better position to take the eyes out of the 4 legged mammal running towards it. No brain strain for the bird, it knows what it has to do.
I live in a town full of big gulls, they are....I don't beleive in good and evil, but they are the only things that make me pause for thought. When I make eye contact with them when they are on the ground, an exchange of information takes place purely by mutual thought. We both know I am bigger than it is, and I can beat it, but we also both know that it has much more of an attitude than I can muster and given any opportunity it would take my life away like it might a box of chips from a bin. I show fear and anger every-time, and it's like looking in a mirror, it gives it right back. Grrr, seagulls, WOOF!. Wish I was a dog.
I'm just saying...go for my eye, I go for your neck. Guess which one is going to snap?
Hmm, talking of irony, an American talking about frivilous lawsuits - of course, that'd never happen in the good ol' US of A now would it...??

Typo on thread title corrected.

Only on GTPlanet could someone feel the need to highlight a typo as being more important showing a bit of understanding in a situation like this, a premium member too - good to see you guys setting an example we should all follow...

I'm sure the guy who lost the eye would really appreciate your compassion and sense of humour - nice one...


Sorry, this is obviously a very very serious thread, and I was wrong to come wheeling in with humor. I'm not sure it's possible to take this tragedy too seriously, and my behavior brings disgrace not only to myself but to my country and indeed all of humanity. My heartfelt apologies to the guy who lost his eyesight, as he will no doubt read this thread and be greatly emotionally scarred by my careless comments. My heartfelt apologies also to the the moderators of GTPlanet who work tirelessly to keep people like myself from degrading the site as I have done - and especially to Jordan who has worked too hard to create a place where people can get together and feel horrible for a guy who lost his eye to have someone come in and crack jokes.

To everyone that my disgraceful and reckless actions have caused emotional harm I deeply apologize. I will now go remove one of my eyes as a gesture of solidarity.
I'm sorry, but the thread title is bothering me to no end. It's either "loosens eye" or "loses eye", there is no "looses eye."
Only on GTPlanet could someone feel the need to highlight a typo as being more important showing a bit of understanding in a situation like this, a premium member too - good to see you guys setting an example we should all follow...
Now that you mention it...

Yeah, the story about the guy loosing his sausage was pretty horrific, and left me sitting rather uncomfortably.

If he'd loosed it, he'd likely be facing charges for attempted rape or indecent exposure or some such. What happened is he'd lost it.
Typo on thread title corrected.
There's more to be done, my friend.
Reminds me of that Happy Tree Friends episode "Eye Candy". Thanks to this incident, now I'm forever discouraged to help seagulls in need.
I'm just saying...go for my eye, I go for your neck. Guess which one is going to snap?

I recently adopted the same policy with dogs. Big or small, I'm terrified of them and they know it. Occasionally, I'll see a dog so peaceful that I can pet it and not feel scared, but I've had many encounters over the years with vicious/aggressive dogs.

As of March, I've finally decided that the next dog that goes for me and has a chance of genuinely hurting me is getting kicked.
I recently adopted the same policy with dogs. Big or small, I'm terrified of them and they know it. Occasionally, I'll see a dog so peaceful that I can pet it and not feel scared, but I've had many encounters over the years with vicious/aggressive dogs.

As of March, I've finally decided that the next dog that goes for me and has a chance of genuinely hurting me is getting kicked.

Carry a screwdriver, I doubt a kick will discourage a angry dog.
I'm completely baffeled why anyone would attempt to save a damned seagull in the first place: the world's most annoying bird. Whenever I'd see one, I'd send my dog straight for it.

Also, there is no such thing as an aggressive dog. It's just its owner not having a single idea how to treat the animal.
But that is still an aggressive dog, there are thousands, in fact I call most dogs are aggressive, it's just owners of dogs are delusional and excuse or don't even see the aggression any more. Being barked at even from the other side of a homes fence is aggressive action. It's us the beholder who decides what is aggressive or not, not the dog and not the owner. If a man shouted at you from the other side of the street or even from his own garden you could call the police to sort him out, the same should apply to animals. But we don't really need to get into that kind of debate and opinion. So forget I said that.
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You can get an artificial eye nowadays...but you still can't get a functioning artificial (ahem) gentlemen's sausage.