Manga Car tutorial

i sugest going to and download paint buster its my favourite choice it allowes you to do pixel be pixel.
ive been doing this not long but ive gotten a lot better jus go to save a whole load of cars and modif them(but if you post give credits) and just keep on trying, but old rally cars would be harder becuase of the detailed paint jobs and i dont think there would be to many older cars like that. i am going to enter this current contest maybe but the next on no dought about it.
since you have 5 post i think you havnt been here long........ i advise u dont call people names unless you want to be banned.
He didn't call anyone an idiot, he was calling himself a photoshop idiot. :rolleyes:
Yeah and s13drifting, I'm guessing you haven't been here too long either. Double posting (no doubt by accident) and poor spelling and grammar. Tut Tut.

And welcome to GTP RallyCat909. I have tried manga but I'm not very good at it. And the fact that my paint pallete is abit scrambled doesn't help either. :ouch:
not really im not here to make sure everything is spelled correctly , and people that judge me on that im guessing were dorks or are dorks in high school who cant or couldnt get dates, im not doing homework, im just here to feed my addiction of cars and video games.
there really is nor right or wrong to making these cars, the biggest bit of help I can give you is to tell you not to ruch making one of these cars, you'll get what you put into it. If you do it in an hour it will llok like ****, spend some time on these things and you'll be proud.

Oh and pay attention to detail, and remember a single pixel can make or break your works.
i agree one hundred percent,but sometimes when you take a lot of time you start to do other things and go over board with the things on it and u get new ideas and those ideas clash with your older ones and it turns out bad, but it does pay off.
Hey, no sure how long it's been since someone has posted in here, but I am bringing it back alive. I LOVE these manga cars!! I have made a few kinds, different layout than the ones you guys are doing but fun non-the-less. I want to start doing the kind that you guys are doing but I need a good paint editer program and tried looking for that "Paint Buster" program but it's not there. Can someone suggest some good ones for me, thanks!
Well, thats just it, I WANT to get into it, but I'm rather new to it. Making a base car is proving to be a bit more difficult than I figured. I HAVE done one or two, but nothing Id wanna show anyone heh