Mantaining a drift..

  • Thread starter sashi
Copy and paste to difficult?

Anyway, the answer to the question is that it's easier to maintain a drift in AWD cars then in FR.
You look at all the great references and guides on this forum. Practice, then come back if you're having a specific problem.
It has to do with the time at which you start counting steering. To early or to late will send u in to one of the walls.
Hey GTP, I got into drifting a couple months back but this is my new post .

I do have one question though. I'm using a the controller and for some reason im better with drifting with a 4WD than the Trueno anyone know why? :P And also I'm using that settings How do I give a longer drift. Like mid field where theres a long corner after the short tunnel, I always go toward the grass after a few seconds of drifting and then start over again. Thanks

Its annoying that you couldn't be arsed to do this.
ooh 4wds! That's easy! i'll take over from here, people. (nah i might need some help).
Anywho, to maintain a drift without sliding out or in, it's throttle control. countersteer works too, throttle contributes a lot. As mentioned in another thread exactly like this one....My friend typed this for the Super Speedway turns, which is MUCH biggerthan midfield:
Originally posted by Deswyft
Actually This is REALLY easy, It all depends on the entry.. With the R34 (fully tuned on my settings anyway),
The Bigturn: Enter slightly late at 180-200 km/h (so brake if you need too)
-Hold the speed around 190 km/h at full throttle
-If starting to slide towards wall, reduce throttle (& brake if need)
-this probably happens because you're going too fast or
you entered the turn much too early.
-If starting to steer in, increase throttle and/or steer out if
-When about ending the turn full throttle (if haven't) so the apex is perfected, (unless you're apex was a out-mid-in)

Small Turn: Again Brake if needed..
-Turn in at 160-180 km/h
-hold the speed at about 170km/h
-Again, do what's needed to compensate if the car seems to slide toward the fringes of the track.
-When reaching end, again full throttle to gain some speed. Speeding up allows your car to affix itself out of the drift (that's IF you don't do an excess angle).

Tips to doing this: You may notice the road has different shades of pavement. These shades can be easily noticed by one being lighter and ther other darker. Treat these as lines to guide you through the drift. If you have problems telling if you're car is going towards the wall or inside, just watch these lines and how your car is moving about.

Either than That, Good Luck and have fun. The replays are pretty amazing too.

Edit: Few words summary: for those who won't read the technical stuff then this should summarize everything above: It's all in the "Entry" and "Throttle Control".
i hope that answers the question..