Manufacturers Competition wk. 3 Closed

GT4 Photomode Manufacturers Competition




Only American and Japanese tracks.
No Phototravel

Theme chosen by week 1 winner SlipZtrEm .

  • There will be two polls at the beginning of every week.(one for each manufacturer)
  • Each poll will have a top ten for that manufacturer.
  • The polls will last for five days. Then I will make a new poll with the two winners that will last for two days to decide the winner for that week.
  • You must post your final entry in red letters. Such as “Final Entry”
  • A preview image may be used, but it may be no bigger than 300*400 pixels.
  • You may have two honorable mentions if a preview image is not used.
  • You may change your Final Entry once. If if you do so, please edit your original entry make a new post linking to it.
  • Do not use an entry from a previous competition.
  • Only one entry may be submitted, and it must be uploaded using Imageshack and have the thumbnail picture.
  • Photoshop adjustments and filters:
    Crop, Resize
    Levels, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation
    Clone Stamp Tool (for removing watermark)
    Photoshop may also be used to add a border, and text.
Deadline for week 3 is November 12th.​

* I will no longer put every photo in the polls.
The polls will consist of a top ten from each manufacturer from now on.
Is SSR5 a japanese track? :nervous: (original track, and set in Japan)

This is not good for me, because I want to use both Holden AND Toyota :(
We will see...
FWIW, I'd like to allow Original Circuits and City Courses (and Dirt, come to think of it), provided they are in the US or Japan. So here's a list of all the tracks I could figure to be legal:

Tokyo R246
New York
Seattle Circuit
Every World Circuit except Nurburgring and La Sarthe ;).
Cathedral Rocks
Grand Canyon
El Capitan
Las Vegas

I mean, unless that's not okay, it's TF's final call :). That gives a boatload of courses, I've noticed. Jacoja, I know the feeling; there's a few cars I like from both sides, and I can't even enter this week ;).
Jacoja, I know the feeling; there's a few cars I like from both sides, and I can't even enter this week ;).
LOL. Poor you :lol:

Alrighty then. I didn't use this as an actual entry for any previous comps, so here is my...


You would have seen it in last weeks advanced comp, but it wasn't my final ;)
what about WRC? Final Entry
[entry parking only--space reserved] :dopey:
LOL...we shall all fear Ram-Rod's secret weapon. (Don't go leaving it to late this time :sly: )
nice shot arsenal. great colors, its so plain it has a lot of detail, cuz of the saturated blue, green, and the black doesn't intrude at all. And ram-rod never has any idea what his secret weapon is, i was disappointed at his last one.
Great pics everyone. Cuda, I especially like yours, but i feel it would've been better in color. Great pic though. 👍
if thats how ya feel, i could always change it...but i would need to compare for quite some time...hmmm
The text looks too choppy. I would leave it out. And I don't think that the WRC logo is within the rules.
Other than that, a very nice shot.
:lol: tahiti is in the bahamas, like in the cuba area ;) .. so i'll take that as no rally .. aside from grand canyon :dopey:
Damn rights, look at that smoke trail too. That things a power house :lol:
I actually had that pic for a while, and when this comp came up it popped into my head haha.
That looks like Autumn Ring. Which is not in Japan or America.
Damn rights, look at that smoke trail too. That things a power house :lol:
I actually had that pic for a while, and when this comp came up it popped into my head haha.
:lol: tahiti is in the bahamas, like in the cuba area ;) .. so i'll take that as no rally .. aside from grand canyon :dopey:

Don't forget the Cathedral Rocks tracks!

Nice to see people jumping onto this early. I figured having the two super powers in the automotive world clash this week would be fun, though I nearly went for a Ford vs. Chevy theme. But figured two Ford-themed comps this week would be too much with so little cars to chose from.