Marketing/Patch for GT4 at PS3 launch

  • Thread starter Cobra_UK


When XBOX 360 is released Microsoft is planning to release downloadable patches for Halo 2, Forza Motorsport (a few other games which I can't remember right now) to make them look better, have better FPS and few more options/features. I'm pretty sure that if it's successful a lot of such games will have these patches. Considering the initial HD with the XBOX 360 is 20Gb (there'll be plenty of space for such patches) this sounds like an excellent marketing move by MS and one that will make a lot of XBOX owners happy.👍

OK, now, why doesn't Sony do the same. Why wait until 2007 for GT5 when we could have a patch for GT4 to make it into what it should have been? For example it could be a patch to change the following in GT4:

Dynamic Lighting (replace all lights in the GT4 3D world, from global lights to car headlights)
Bump Mapping (applied to all existing textures)
FSAA (high quality antialiasing)
AF (high quality anisotropic filtering)

eliminate any pop-up
correct all errors reported, fix all bugs found
remove all the wild specified power fluctuations (settings and 2 player garage cars select screen)
add 2 player drag racing, garage cars racing, full screen replay (ability to save the replay)
replace all the 2D spectators with the 3D spectators already in the game
pit crews (being able to see more than one car in the pit lane)
add ability to have wings in the colour of the car

This patch wouldn't take that long to develop, less than 3 months, and would make it available with the launch of the PS3. It would probably be less than 500Mb and would be an excellent marketing move for Sony to make over 20+ million GT players want to buy a PS3 at launch, rather than wait until 2007 when GT5 will be released. 500Mb will also be very easy to download with today's internet speeds (£5 per download, for example) but it could also be released on a CD and sold at retailers for about £10(maybe less). As it stands the PS3 games line-up holds nothing special for the driving games fan. XBOX 360 will have PGR3 and TDU before PS3 is even launched and GT5 will not be released until 2007, by then, if not before, Forza Motorsport 2 may be released also. That could see a lot of PS3 driving games fans migrating to the XBOX360.:(

I believe that such a patch would be a clever and inspired move by Sony. What do you guys think?
It'd be nice for us, but it'd make no sense from Sony's point of view.
Viper Zero
Why bother?

Name one developer who is willing to develop for a dead format?

Viper Zero I have no idea what you're talking about. You seem to, so can you enlighten us?:)

live4speed it's actually a good idea and it works on 2 levels. Those 3 months of development will be paid for from charging for the patch, much like MS charges for downloadable content. Also it gives driving games fans a reason to buy a PS3 at launch and helps Sony against the ever increasing competition from MS. For a more detailed explanation please read the thread's first post.;) If you still think that it makes no sense from Sony's point of view please elaborate why.💡
How many people will want to pay more to play GT4 on the PS3 with a few extra's none of which will revolutionise the game, I certainly wouldn't. New games released at the PS3's lauch will be good reasons for driving game fans to buy a PS3 at launch, if they have to rely an a patched PS2 game to get people interested in the PS3 that's worrying to say the least. As it stands the PS3 lineup holds almost nothing because it's still 8 months away at the vey least, if you think Sony will lauch the PS3 with only what we've seen so far that could be lauch titles your very much mistaken.
How many people will want to pay more to play GT4 on the PS3 with a few extra's none of which will revolutionise the game, I certainly wouldn't. New games released at the PS3's launch will be good reasons for driving game fans to buy a PS3 at launch, if they have to rely an a patched PS2 game to get people interested in the PS3 that's worrying to say the least. As it stands the PS3 line-up holds almost nothing because it's still 8 months away at the very least, if you think Sony will lauch the PS3 with only what we've seen so far that could be launch titles your very much mistaken.

If Sony's line-up for the PS3 release will include some killer driving games remains to be seen. The PS3 is 6 months away (May 2006, although some of the industry believes it to be March), not "8 at the very least". Unless it's delayed but that also remains to be seen.

Also this is a forum where most people are driving fans, GT fans to be precise. Since GT5 will not be released until 2007 my idea is the next best thing. A lot of people have lost interest in GT4 due to it's lack of multiplayer features. Those people will be very unhappy to wait until 2007 for their next GT fix. Also those people would pay £5-£10 for such a patch. I would be one of those, you may not be but we're not everyone.

Who here would like to see such patch be released?
Sony has not said the PS3 will launch in May but even 6 months is still a long time for game development, theres a lot of games being made we just don't know about yet. Like I said, there no problem with your idea from a GT fans point of view, but it wouldn't make much sense for Sony to do it.
It's interesting that Microsoft will make such patches for some of the XBOX flagship games, even though Halo 2 and Forza Motorsport most definitely have sequels in the works. I seems to make sense for them, I hope it makes sense for Sony.

Honestly live4speed, it's estimated that over 20+ million people own a version of the GT games. If such a patch makes sense to us it should make sense to Sony.:)

I've seen Motorstorm, The Getaway and Formula 1 trailers for the PS3 but to be honest they're not that tempting to me. Unless Sony have some amazing driving game up their sleeve for the PS3 launch, it's not looking good.
Once again, if your bent on believing what you've seen is all we'll get, your wrong, very wrong. On the patch, 20 million people own a version of GT, not 20 million people own GT4, the patch will cost 3 months development time, but then you have distribution, then you have the fact that only a small percent of GT4 owners will want to spend £10 on a patch that won't do a whole lot for a game that they've probably owned for over a year by then. If it was more cars and tracks then more people would be more likely to buy it.
I'm not bent on believing anything live4speed, I just said we'll see what happens and my impressions so far. I'm not the one convinced that the way I see things are the way they are, you seem to fit that bill far more than I can.;)

Distribution? It's a patch. It's released online all they do is allow you to download it. I said for about £5, just an idea, it may be less, it may be more. I said that a CD "could" be available for people that don't have broadband, hence the price increase to £10 to include distribution costs.

And please stop saying in one post that it makes sense to GT fans but then the next post that it doesn't make sense to GT fans. You don't even know what you're talking about. I remember who you are now and I've run into you before. I should have ignored you. I know it's a hard thing for you to do but stop posting crap on this thread and go away!

I've just reported your attitude, as before you're just interested in starting stupid debates with your unfounded stupid assumptions and ruining threads as a result. You've also made my ignore list.
I'm not bent on believing anything live4speed, I just said we'll see what happens and my impressions so far. I'm not the one convinced that the way I see things are the way they are, you seem to fit that bill far more than I can.;)

Distribution? It's a patch. It's released online all they do is allow you to download it. I said for about £5, just an idea, it may be less, it may be more. I said that a CD "could" be available for people that don't have broadband, hence the price increase to £10 to include distribution costs.

And please stop saying in one post that it makes sense to GT fans but then the next post that it doesn't make sense to GT fans. You don't even know what you're talking about. I remembered who you are now and I've run into you before. I should have ignored you. I know it's a hard thing for you to do but stop posting crap on this thread and go away!

I've just reported your attitude, as before you're just interested in starting stupid debates with you unfounded stupid assumptions and ruining threads as a result. You've also made my ignore list.
First off, I miss interpred your posts then.

Secondly it will need distrubution, I doubt everyone that buys a PS3 will get it hooked to the net straight away, maybe they will but I think it will be 6 motnhs before theres more online than offline.

Thirdly I never said it makes sense to GT fans and then it doesn't, I said it's not likely that most will pay £10 for a patch, as in, it sounds nice now but in 6 months time when ganmes like PGR3 and TD:U are all over will you want to spend more money on GT4. I doubt it very much.

Finally report away, I've not once insulted or taunted you, I suppose since your the first to get hostile I should be the one reporting you. You made a thread asking what people think about the idea, I told you what I thought, it might seem nice but probably won't make much sense for Sony to do it, just because you didn't like my answer doesn't mean you should get up tight and offended, if you don't want anyone to dissagree with you,don't post it on a public forum.
Ok, first: An owner of something is different then a Fan of something.

Second: I'm not seeing anything worth reporting here. You two are having a discussion and it's fine. As long as it doesn't get personal, I don't have a problem with it. So let us all relax. :cool:

Third: This is a great idea that wouldn't be cost effect for Sony or PD.
Fair enough. He's on my ignore list, I can't see what he's posting so it's sorted.

You really don't think it would be cost effective from Sony's point? Perhaps. I just figured since MS are doing something like this for some of the XBOX games, Sony might go the same route.

Then again MS have all the infrastructure in place for downloadable content and patches so I guess it's a bit easier for them. It's a shame if Sony don't consider an idea like this. The money lost for little things like this will be nothing compared to the money lost if Sony's PS'3 gets outsold by the XBOX 360. Time will tell.

I wanted to put this idea on the GTPlanet to gage the kind of interest it would get from GT fans.
I find it incredibly ironic that he'll get all uptight and defensive when I say it's not cost effective, and put me on his ignor list, but then as soon as a mod says the same thing it's, oh well I guess it might not be but...
The concept of 'patches' as with computer games scare me for one reason. Poor and hastily development results in knowing that they can always just release a patch to 'fix' it. I know this is not what you are implying, but is something I fear with the ability to 'patch' games as a feature. Develop the game right the first time and move on to the next project or generation of that game. It makes for a higher quality game and a higher quality experience for the end user. How long did we have to wait for GT4 after GT3's release? Without looking it up, wasn't it like 3 years? GT Fans can wait for a 'complete' and polished product, at least I can. I guess I shouldn't speak for anyone else.

The concept of 'patches' as with computer games scare me for one reason. Poor and hastily development results in knowing that they can always just release a patch to 'fix' it. I know this is not what you are implying, but is something I fear with the ability to 'patch' games as a feature. Develop the game right the first time and move on to the next project or generation of that game. It makes for a higher quality game and a higher quality experience for the end user. How long did we have to wait for GT4 after GT3's release? Without looking it up, wasn't it like 3 years? GT Fans can wait for a 'complete' and polished product, at least I can. I guess I shouldn't speak for anyone else.


Yeah, that's the microsoft operarting system syndrome right there.

The ability to add-on to a game, maps, characters, options is great. But general patching I feel will run into what Pako has accurately described. Games rushed out to make a certain date, then "fixed" later. Nah, I'll just wait for the good stuff. :)
Patching is something you should never have to do, addons however, well they add to the game, extra cars, tracks mods ect. I like the idea of GT5 being upgradable with the latest cars and such, the question is, would Kaz wan't to do that, could it undermine the release of GT6 since we'd already have all the latset Evo's, Skyline's and Impreza's, it would cut down the ammount of new cars they could put in the next GT game.
Nah, I'll just wait for the good stuff.

Oh yeah, I agree 100%, GT4 with all it's problems is as good as it gets. Who'd want to patch that game and fix it, maybe add some tracks or some cars, or some new features. That's just silly, that's MS crap. Nah, I'd rather wait until 2007 for GT5 and if it's just as dodgy as GT4, so what. And if GT5 is missing promised features or even features it's become famous for, like 2 player garage cars battle and ability to save 2 player replays I'll be estatic. Why? Because I got the good stuff.;)

I especially hate it when Valve updates my Counter Strike: Source with better online code, better graphics, extra maps and player models. Oh and when Valve actually listen to the community and fix the problems they report or add the features they ask for, well it's just infuriating. I'd much prefer it if Valve turned around and said, sorry but this is it, like it or not we made the game for Valve not for the community.:lol:

GT Fans can wait for a 'complete' and polished product.

Are we talking about GT4 here? Please tell me you're joking about the polished and complete parts, the product part I agree with.:)

Just joking with you guys, no harm intended.:)
Short and simple:

If with the PS3 Sony releases GT 4.5 and the 0.5 is just GT4 with 20 cars in each race, I'll buy GT 4.5.

However, (and this bit is off-topic, even off-forum, sorry mods), what I really want with the release of the PS3 is EPR 2.
Cobra , i agree wi8 you on one level; PD should have sought to get any tcp/ip update it intended , as advertised like , to include w/GT4 . Cosmetic 'world effect' updates would reference a new title , take wings for example , they are v.ugly for a reason ; them & the rims would dissuade players from chosing stock form to learn the not-uncomplex gameplay , they might be more variegated in a more sumptuous release of a series . BUT WE NEED OUR MULTIPLAYER . Btw , the ignore option is a stupid option that loses the argument of the server/thread.
I especially hate it when Valve updates my Counter Strike: Source with better online code, better graphics, extra maps and player models. Oh and when Valve actually listen to the community and fix the problems they report or add the features they ask for, well it's just infuriating. I'd much prefer it if Valve turned around and said, sorry but this is it, like it or not we made the game for Valve not for the community.:lol:

PC gaming and console gaming are two seperate monsters.

PC gamers have more patience the console gamers. Hence the ability to release patches to fix what should've been right in the first place.
KY has also said he develops the game for himself and supposedly only releases them when there 'perfect'. Therefore any fan suggestions must be wrong. If theres one thing PD have proven with GT4 is they don't pay much attention to the fans (Think AI or lack of, online, race mods etc...). But of course if PD completely ignored the fans and gamesplaying public they'd loose sales. Although this isn't to say PD produce bad games, if they did it would be easy to ignore!

Hence the Sony executives poking KY with a stick and making PD include 2 player garages or whatever in the PAL (& NTSC?) release (or whatever it was now I forget).

However releasing a little addon disc for £25 that lets you play GT4 in snazzing graphics on the PS3... Well how could Sony/PD resist? Ker-ching! :sly:
I'd prefer them to focus on making the next game and making sure it doesn't have GT4's faults rather than wasting time fixing a game that only dedicated players will still be playing by then. At the end of the day, all the fancy graphics in the world won't change the fact you're still playing the same game you played a year and a half ago on the previous gen console.
Mad Murphy NZ, you know GT5 has a provisional release of 2007, and if the past is anything to go by it will probably be delayed until 2008. That's a long way away and to since the multiplayer GT4 is crap (no online or decent 2 player garage car races) there's not much life in the game left.

So there's 2006, 2007 and maybe even 2008. Wouldn't you think spending a bit of time to patch GT4 and upgrade it for PS3 may be worth the development time? Then you'd have a GT to play on PS3 that will hopefully last you until 2008. Unless you'd like to buy a something like GT Prologue. Which is basically a demo. First time I've heard of people paying for a demo.:lol:
So there's 2006, 2007 and maybe even 2008. Wouldn't you think spending a bit of time to patch GT4 and upgrade it for PS3 may be worth the development time? Then you'd have a GT to play on PS3 that will hopefully last you until 2008. Unless you'd like to buy a something like GT Prologue. Which is basically a demo. First time I've heard of people paying for a demo.:lol:
Even though I'm on your ignor list I have to reply to this. By late 2006 I doubt many people will still be playing GT4, by late 2006 there will be a whole tonne of new racing games out. And yet you think eveyone should agree with you that it's a good idea to pay £10 to start playing GT4 again, a game most people will have lost interest in. Hell I harly ever play it now and it's what 6 months old, by the end of next year it's probably going to be at the bottom of the pile. GT4:P was more than a demo, it was bigger than a lot of standalone games, I'd much rather have a GT5:P, but what I'd rather even more than that, is for the entire dev team to focus just on GT5 coming out ontime and being a good enough move forwards for the series, something many people think GT4 failed at. None of these things you mention to be included in the patch would increase GT4's gameplay, no popup, so what, it's not horrendous as it is, all 3d spectators, again I really don't care, by then no matter what you do with GT4's graphics engine, it'll still look bad compared to the average XB360 games. At least with a GT5:P you'd get the new ghame engine, more cars on track, the new graphics, damage of some kind, hopefully better AI and new cars and tracks.
I will NOT buy a PS3 just for a patch on GT4. Yes, GT4 has it's bugs, but I'm waiting for GT5 to buy PS3 (maybe in a bundle). It wouldn't make sense to spend $400+ (including the PS3) for a patch.
Looking at the past, it´s more likely that PD releases a small GT game in between, like GT Concept and GT:P.