Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

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Space Lord
United States
Downtown North Dakota
It's no surprise that there is no love for Marvel Ultimate Alliance on GTP (I present to you Exhibits A and B with a total of 5 posts across two platforms). What I really don't understand is why. Based on the posts in the Movie section, is obvious that we, as a general rule, like these kinds of movies. Compound in that we are here because of a game, albeit a racing game, and I just don't understand why putting these two things together doesn't garner more interest.

That brings me to the next installment of MUA. It is being released on September 15, thus my surprise that there is no thread on it yet. There are 23 playable characters (24 if you pre-order from GameStop,, and EB Games Australia before the 14):

  • Captain America
  • Daredevil
  • Deadpool
  • Gambit
  • Green Goblin
  • Hulk
  • Human Torch
  • Iceman
  • Invisible Woman
  • Iron Fist
  • Iron Man
  • Jean Grey
  • Juggernaut
  • Luke Cage
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Penance
  • Songbird
  • Spider-Man
  • Storm
  • Thing
  • Thor
  • Venom
  • Wolverine
The government has just passed the Mutant Registration Act and, not surprisingly, some are for and some are against it. MUA2 gives you the choice of characters and what you do with them affects the ending. There's no point in going into more specific details as history has shown us that no one is interested anyway. Which is a shame.

I, for one, am looking forward to Eviscerating anyone who stands in Wolverine's way...
Holy crap, someone actually posted! :lol:

MUA1 was online with the PS2, so if this one wasn't, there would be something seriously wrong.

Short version: Yes.
Holy crap, someone actually posted! :lol:

MUA1 was online with the PS2, so if this one wasn't, there would be something seriously wrong.

Short version: Yes.
I rented the first one after playing it on my friend's 360 and felt that it was a gimped port. Deadpool would often deliver Spiderman's lines and the graphics felt like they were barely above X-Men Legends 2 quality (I own both), so it was sent back.

That is also why MUA2 is a rental until I see how it comes out now.

When I get it in from Gamefly we will have to play some co-op. That may make all the difference and encourage a full purchase.
I forgot it was coming out until I saw an ad for it at Walmart. I had the PS2 version I enjoyed it. I would like to buy it but there are a couple other games higher on my list. It should be fun, but I'll probably rent it first.
I picked up MUA2 yesterday during lunch and played for a few hours last night. It's a very similar layout to MUA1, with the addition of Fusions and significantly better graphics, of course. Some of the Fusions are a bit annoying (Wolverine/Thing), while others are awesome (Wolverine/Iron Man) and presumably will get better.
I picked up MUA2 yesterday during lunch and played for a few hours last night. It's a very similar layout to MUA1, with the addition of Fusions and significantly better graphics, of course. Some of the Fusions are a bit annoying (Wolverine/Thing), while others are awesome (Wolverine/Iron Man) and presumably will get better.
If Wolverine and The Thing/Colossus/The Hulk fuse into anything other than the Cannonball Express I will be extremely disappointed. I mean, even the awful X-Men 3 had that.
That is precisely what it was.

Apparently I'm part dwarf (I wasn't a fan of being tossed).[/Gimli]
That is precisely what it was.

Apparently I'm part dwarf (I wasn't a fan of being tossed).[/Gimli]
But it is a trademark Wolverine move. Unfortunately, it lacks effectiveness in a kind of top down, mostly 2-D playing field. It looks awesome when seen from the ground as Wolverine flys up and then effectively decapitates a sentinel.

So, are the fusions similar to the dual attacks from MUA? I know you could do a Cannonball Express in that and X-Men Legends.
I haven't played X-Men Legends, but I don't remember dual attacks from MUA at all. :confused:
I'm a big fan of Marvel and most of the characters are among my favourite superheroes of all time, but I've never ever ever been a fan of movies and/or videogames made about said mutants.

I own copious amounts of the comic books, though.
I haven't played X-Men Legends, but I don't remember dual attacks from MUA at all. :confused:
It was a kind of weird combo if you and another teammate did a certain attack at the same time that would combine them. It was just a team timing attack, and occasionally Wolverine would get tossed instead of his usual lunging attack.

Follow up question: Are your teammate choices based on what side you are on? It seems odd to have a story based on Civil War and then put Captain America and Iron Man on eth same team.

I'm a big fan of Marvel and most of the characters are among my favourite superheroes of all time, but I've never ever ever been a fan of movies and/or videogames made about said mutants.
This series of games are very good. And you really didn't like Iron Man (movie)?
how is the storyline and how are the boss fights?
So far I've made it to Electro, Wizard and Scorcher and the Tinkerer. All, of course, have their different tactics to beat them, but so far none have been overly difficult.
It was a kind of weird combo if you and another teammate did a certain attack at the same time that would combine them. It was just a team timing attack, and occasionally Wolverine would get tossed instead of his usual lunging attack.
All I remember for different attacks were things like Wolverine's Eviscerator, but not a team attack.

Follow up question: Are your teammate choices based on what side you are on? It seems odd to have a story based on Civil War and then put Captain America and Iron Man on eth same team.
At the beginning of the game, the group consists of Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine and Nick Fury. Later, you have the option of trading members in and out (which I'm just now at) but the SRA drives the groups apart and, I assume, you then need to choose which side to be on, either Pro (Iron Man and Mister Fantastic with Songbird) or Anti (Captain America and Luke Cage with Iron Fist).
All I remember for different attacks were things like Wolverine's Eviscerator, but not a team attack.
It may have just been X-Men Legends, but I remember where if you were near someone and both did a certain kind of attack at the same time it would automatically do something like the Canonball Express. As I controlled Wolverine 90% of the time I can't remember if any others did anything similar.

Anyway, are fusions a special attack mapped to the controls? And how do you decide who to fuse with?

At the beginning of the game, the group consists of Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine and Nick Fury. Later, you have the option of trading members in and out (which I'm just now at) but the SRA drives the groups apart and, I assume, you then need to choose which side to be on, either Pro (Iron Man and Mister Fantastic with Songbird) or Anti (Captain America and Luke Cage with Iron Fist).
That sounds a bit balanced toward the pro team. Are the Skrulls involved?

Should I stop so that I don't reveal too much of the Civil War story and ruin it for you, or anyone else for that matter?
Anyway, are fusions a special attack mapped to the controls? And how do you decide who to fuse with?
It's based on who is in your party (duh) and you have to have the meter powered up to use it. To activate it, hold down L2 and then hit either the triangle, square or circle buttons (icons pop up over your teams heads so you know which one your are selecting (kind of like picking your receiver in most football games)). Commence Fusion.
That sounds a bit balanced toward the pro team. Are the Skrulls involved?
If they are, I haven't seen them yet.
Should I stop so that I don't reveal too much of the Civil War story and ruin it for you, or anyone else for that matter?
Might not be a bad idea, just in case.
It's based on who is in your party (duh) and you have to have the meter powered up to use it. To activate it, hold down L2 and then hit either the triangle, square or circle buttons (icons pop up over your teams heads so you know which one your are selecting (kind of like picking your receiver in most football games)). Commence Fusion.
Madden meets Marvel, sweet.

If they are, I haven't seen them yet.

Might not be a bad idea, just in case.
Yeah, I just get curious because it seems like such a big story to try to turn into a game. It altered at least one entire character. So, of course the geek in me worries.

I haven't seen it yet for the abocve reasons, but it's not high on my priority list either. Should it be?
Since this is OT, check your PMs.
I beat MUA2 tonight, but there is still a ton to do to get the Platinum. All told, I made it through the entire thing playing only Wolverine, short of about 15 minutes. :lol:

Now to start filling in the gaps, picking up things I missed and playing through on Legendary difficulty as Pro-registration.

Oh, and trying to track all the Fusions I have done and need to do... :ouch:
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With a bit of luck this weekend, this'll be my first Platinum.

With a hell of a lot of luck, I could have two Platinum's (Uncharted is at 91%). Don't bank on that. :lol:

If anyone is planning on playing and would like a few pointers or would like to get together, let me know. :)
I had every intention of at least renting this by now, but then I bought GT PSP. Killzone 2 (rented) and NFS: Shift (bought) have been sitting untouched as well.

I may need to step away from GT so I don't get behind on other games.
Whenever you do get hooked up with it, give me a shout. I've been though the whole thing 3 times now (not counting replays of levels). A fourth couldn't hurt. :lol:

It's incredible how much different easy it is with 2 players. Level 60 characters likely plays a role, too...
I haven't gotten a chance to get this yet but hopefully I will so. It just that right now I'm working through Uncharted 2. AC2 and Tekken 6 also have caught my attention so I don't know what I to get next.
I FINALLY finished all of my Fusions
(longest damn gold metal ever) so I went out to see my completion percentage (I was expecting to see 90%+ but I'm only at 85% when last night I was higher than that) only to find out that that there are what appears to be 2 add-on levels. That lead me to the PSN which only has The Juggernaut compatibility add-on. Does the PSN store only update on Thursday or is there a possibility it'll be updated this weekend? Depending on the price, I'll likely grab it.
I FINALLY finished all of my Fusions
(longest damn gold metal ever) so I went out to see my completion percentage (I was expecting to see 90%+ but I'm only at 85% when last night I was higher than that) only to find out that that there are what appears to be 2 add-on levels. That lead me to the PSN which only has The Juggernaut compatibility add-on. Does the PSN store only update on Thursday or is there a possibility it'll be updated this weekend? Depending on the price, I'll likely grab it.
Trophy list updates have often shown up before the add-ons were available.
And the add-on is now available. I figured that it would be $10, which it is (well $9.99) and I then figured that it would just be the additional levels alluded to in the extra trophies, but also in that $9.99 is an additional 5 playable characters - Carnage, Magneto, Psylocke, Cable and Black Panther.

Unfortunately the levels leave a bit to be desired, but they're not terrible...
I have it on right now. 👍

Edit: Does he need help with something or is he just looking for some company? :P

I'm assuming that he'll need the "Play 24 co-op levels" trophy if he can't find anyone to play with?
He just cant find anyone & he says to play co-op you have to have there name on his friends list. I just dont know since i never played it.

Any you never know, he might want same company or sameone new to talk to.

And maybe set a time so you can meet to play the game online, oh yeah he lives in Australia.
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With a bit of luck this weekend, this'll be my first Platinum.
It took a bit longer than I planned, but the Platinum is now mine!


The last sim mission I had to do was a pain. Defeat at least 40 robots (they are 2500 points each and you need 100,000 points) in 5 minutes. Sounds easy enough. I have no idea how many times I've tried it, but the closest I could get was 90,000. This last time I hit 100,000 with only 3 seconds left on the clock. :ill: