Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

  • Thread starter Fezzik
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
3rd game in Sony/Insomniac's Spidey series, though this one is a full sequel unlike 2020's Miles Morales. No PS4 version, crossgen is over. PC port in a couple of years, probably.

Available on October 20th. Can't wait. Will sell absolutely bucketloads.
Shameful have never pleyed the original, Miles Morales did come with my PS5 and I really enjoyed that.

Will get the remastered version of the original soon and once I've finished that the sequel should be a lot cheaper second hand.

It's looking great 👌
Shameful have never pleyed the original, Miles Morales did come with my PS5 and I really enjoyed that.

Will get the remastered version of the original soon and once I've finished that the sequel should be a lot cheaper second hand.

It's looking great 👌
Just make sure it is the remastered version you play, so you don't start wondering why Pete has a completely different face
Preview day so a lot more videos now on Youtube and Twitter. Likely a bit spoilery so I won't watch. I've seen enough already to make it a day 1 purchase.
This is the easiest 10/10 game of this whole generation. I don't need to see trailers, previews, reviews.

This is going to be a blast.

The first game was probably my Top 3 title of the last generation, don't think I have ever had so much fun traversing through a world before.
If you're trying to avoid spoilers, you'd better go dark for the next week. People have got holf of physical copies and are leaking all over the place, someone on Reddit was streaming the whole game a week early!

My pre-order is in, almost got tempted by the deluxe edition suits but in the end just went for the standard version.

Wow, I'm sure that game is going to make millions of dollars worldwide, I can sense it.
At least 1 billion. If we (conservatively) estimate 15 million sales (38 million PS5s, 33 million sales for the 2 Insomniac titles on PS4/PS5) then at $70 a pop it makes that mark.
Launch trailer. Apparently VERY spoilery (I haven't dared watch)

Reviews are out.

Reviews are looking good, it was always gona be good though lol

Got cyberpunk to get through and then WRC and then I'll be getting this, will be hard to avoid spoilers until I get around to playing it but I'm used to it as never get games at launch.
Reviews are looking good, it was always gona be good though lol

Got cyberpunk to get through and then WRC and then I'll be getting this, will be hard to avoid spoilers until I get around to playing it but I'm used to it as never get games at launch.
That is going to be very hard. I don't plan on getting it for awhile myself so I have resigned myself that some spoilers will be okay
Launch trailer. Apparently VERY spoilery (I haven't dared watch)
Yeah, I am avoiding it too.

Pre-ordered a physical copy from Amazon. Won't be getting for a few days after release. The wait is going to be painful. lol
You got it just in time. It has sold out on Amazon UK. A pre-order £70 game out of stock. Sales figures for this one are going to be insane.
That's crazy really isn't it!
You can bet they had plenty of stock available too.
Spider-Man Face GIF

me due to work tomorrow & resisting the urge to pull an all-nighter
Very much recommend going with the 60fps Performance mode over the Quality setting (I don’t have a 120hz TV so can’t try that option). So smooth, still looks fantastic. Swinging and gliding around the city feels fantastic.

Did have an odd graphics glitch in the intro, like a haze over the whole screen. Turned down the film grain and it went away. No other bugs or issues so far.

Loving it in the few hours I’ve put in. - definite upgrade over the first 2 games. Much less of the annoying stealth (so far). There are a lot of different upgrade systems and skill trees which can be a bit overwhelming at first. Still unlocking new abilities and gadgets.

Met these guys cosplaying as one of the stars of the 2nd game, but not sure if the little one itself is in this game.

Very much recommend going with the 60fps Performance mode over the Quality setting (I don’t have a 120hz TV so can’t try that option). So smooth, still looks fantastic. Swinging and gliding around the city feels fantastic.

Did have an odd graphics glitch in the intro, like a haze over the whole screen. Turned down the film grain and it went away. No other bugs or issues so far.

Loving it in the few hours I’ve put in. - definite upgrade over the first 2 games. Much less of the annoying stealth (so far). There are a lot of different upgrade systems and skill trees which can be a bit overwhelming at first. Still unlocking new abilities and gadgets.

Met these guys cosplaying as one of the stars of the 2nd game, but not sure if the little one itself is in this game.

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Since owning a PS5 I have always chosen Performance mode, I don't understand how anyone can prefer 30 fps over 60 fps.

I can spot the difference between 30 and 60 fps instantly, can't tell the difference between 1080p and 4k even if someone points it out to me lol
I don't understand how anyone can prefer 30 fps over 60 fps.
As a lifetime Euro console player, going back to the slower PAL days, I'm just used to it by now. Usually I don't mind the 30fps options and I'm a sucker for the flashiest possible visuals, but this one feels and looks so much better with the higher framerates.

It's a slightly odd Spidey game in one respect - the web swinging is still great but my preferred method of travel is the gliding, especially when you learn all the wind tunnel routes. This also may be the first open world game in a long time that I never use fast travel.

Done about 20 hours over the weekend and the PS home screen tracker says I'm just over halfway through the main story. Seems about right. You can probably finish it in about 10 hours if you just plow straight through the main missions, but who does that other than to moan about the runtime on X/Twitter/Youtube/Reddit etc.
As a lifetime Euro console player, going back to the slower PAL days, I'm just used to it by now. Usually I don't mind the 30fps options and I'm a sucker for the flashiest possible visuals, but this one feels and looks so much better with the higher framerates.
I too live in Europe and have been used to low frame rates from the PS1 days and it never bothered me until I got a PS5 and experienced the games I had played at 30 fps on PS4 at 60.

I went back to play uncharted 4 after and couldn't believe that was what 30 fps felt like, I thought something was wrong with the game lol full on fps snob now.

Anyways back on topic Insomniac seemed to have gotten a good grip on PS5 hardware and manage to get ray tracing and 60 fps in one mode, it was already great in miles morales and looks to be even better in SM2.
Finally! Although, I won't be able to put any significant time into it until tomorrow night.

Credits rolled after 25 hours. I prefer this shorter main story, a lot of other games do drag it out too long.


Still a load of side activities to do, lots of suits still to unlock.

Will be interesting to see what they do next - DLC, spinoff or save it for the 3rd full title. Hopefully that arrives before the end of this gen.
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Credits rolled after 25 hours. I prefer this shorter main story, a lot of other games do drag it out too long.
Don't know my exact playing time but it's probably over 15hrs so far. I'm sitting at 60% completion. Trying to do all the side stuff as it appears, so I can just mainline the story missions at the end.

It's definitely living up to the hype. My only small complaint is like the previous games, there just isn't enough variety with the crimes that happen around the city. Also, the Mysterium challenges can go jump into the sea. Manged to gold all but two of them but god they were a pain.
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Also, the Mysterium challenges can go jump into the sea. Manged to gold all but two of them but god they were a pain.
I left all but the first for the postgame. Finding they are (very slightly) less annoying at level 60 with all skills/tech/gadgets maxed out.
If anyone is a trophy hunter, there is one in particular that you really should prioritise doing before finishing the main missions if you really want the platinum. You need to do a load of stealth takedowns from a webline and it becomes virtually impossible in the post game, there just aren't any opportunities to do it.

I'm probably going to have to start a new playthrough for it, I only have that and one other trophy left, but can wait for New Game +.
Could be just new game excitement but having finished it now. It very well might be in my top 10 games of all time. Utterly brilliant from start to end.
You need to do a load of stealth takedowns from a webline and it becomes virtually impossible in the post game, there just aren't any opportunities to do it.
I'm missing the "Surge" trophy and wondering if it's able to be done post game, or something I'll have to save for new game+ at a later point. Don't normally bother about platinum's but I'm glad this one doesn't require beating it on the harder difficulties.
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