Mass Effect 3

I also ddont know if this is true or not, but i heard you get 1 month free for xbox live if you download it.

Like i said i dunno if its a rumor or not, i just heard it around a few times.
I really need to finish up Mass Effect 2 so I can get the 3rd one, I think I probably need to start back at the beginning of 2 though since I only sort of remember the story. I played the first one so much though I could probably recite it line by line if I needed to :lol:.
My demo feedback without spoilers.

Single player
There are 3 gameplay options to choose from. I played the single player for about an hour. I started with 2, then 1, then 3 just to check them all out.
1. Action. You dont have any dialog options AT ALL and the game is basically a shooter.
2. Role Playing. This is the true ME3 experience. Full dialog and a reasonable difficulty.
3. Story. This option still allows you to pick the dialog but the enemies are weaker, your guns are more powerful, and the difficulty is very low. Its similar to option 2 but much easier.

Made an adept character and got into the action. The first "level" you play starts rough. Especially the facial expressions and dialog for the characters and the voice acting. Its not Mass Effect at all. Almost cartoonish. Its even laughable in several parts when you see the seargeant floating a couple inches above the ground while walking to the checkpoints. Not a good way to start the demo thats for sure and hopefully thats a very very early build.

BUT, it does get better with the second "level" when you meet the Krogan. This is the level they have been showing in all the recent gameplay videos. Facial espressions are better, voice acting is better, graphics look better. Huge improvement over the intro level. Once I started playing the 2nd level I started enjoying the single player demo. Controls feel great, colors are vibrant, menu system is even better than before. So far everything is improved. After killing and throwing a few enemies across the map I started to get excited for ME3 again.

4 player Co-op horde mode online
I have BF3 so was able to access the co-op with ease. Played the co-op for about 2 and 1/2 hours. My character ranked up to level 9 in that amount of time. There are 10 waves of enemies right now and the random players I encountered were able to reach level 10 a few times. Hopefully willl be longer in the full game. The co-op is a lot more fun than I expected. Especially if you have a couple adept characters on your team. Constantly throwing enemies across the room. lol
I have the Collector's Edition on pre-order, this is really the only game I'm looking forwards to this year.
Same here. At this point this is also one of the only games I am looking forward to in 2012.

The part that surprised me the most in the co-op horde mode was the gore! I was messing around with different ammo type and went to fire at an enemy and pow! Blood chunks and pieces of enemy everywhere! whoa! Then the next day someone was using a sniper and blowing the heads right off the enemy. There was nothing anywhere near that gory at all in ME1 or ME2. So that was just awesome to see. I might have to try the sniper sometime and pop some heads. The gore reminded me of GOW3. :)
This is the most I have EVER played a demo in my life. The 4 player co-op horde mode is so addictive. We have beat it as a group on bronze, silver, and up to wave 7 on gold.
I so want to get this but i want to know whats going on :( I'm going to have to pick up a copy of ME1 and power through it so i can power through ME2 so i can understand whats happening haha.
You dont need to play through ME1. I would just skip right to ME2 and play that one before playing ME3. ME2 covers pretty much everything that happened in ME1.
Love this game so much win in here. Only 4 hours in and a nice twist to the plot. Can't wait to play all three back to back.
Quick review....GO BUY THIS GAME!!!!

WOW this game is just incredible. I actually started out playing the 4 player co-op horde mode since I had 4 players in a party and we all loved the 4 player co-op demo. But wow not only is it better in the full game, there are much more enemies and it is much more challenging. Just unbelievable at times. Just enemy after enemy after enemy and there were moments where all 4 of us were surrounded. Bodies flying, explosions, burning, freezing, warping, singularity, just frigging epic!!!!! Ran perfectly smooth too. Which is shocking for an EA game on the launch day.

Finally after 3 straight hours of CO-OP and after getting an Adept and engineer both to level 10, I decided to check out the campaign. Played at least an hour of the campaign. It starts out a bit weak for the first 5-10 mintues just like in the demo. But once you get past that the game picks right up and the action just gets so awesome. Graphics are stunning! Gameplay is smooth, dialog and facial expressions are excellent (after the demo part). If you liked the series you will love ME3. If you are new to the series I highly recommend checking out ME3. Even if its just for the 4 player co-op experience its well worth it. I cant wait to see what else is in the campaign and to see the other enemies in the 4 player co-op horde mode.

Just from the 4 hours I have played, this is currently my GOTY 2012. Yes the year is early but its going to take one heck of a game to top ME3.
Been looking forward to this game for a while....but I won't get a chance to play until Friday because of work. :irked:
The first game was great. The 2nd game was even better. I loved the 2nd game. The first one has quite a few frame rate issues and the weapon system is very complicated and can be confusing as heck. So if you dont feel you need to start the first one, skip to ME2. ME2 covers everything from ME1.
I have been hooked on the 4 player co-op. Went from N7 rating of 56 on friday to N7 rating of 83 last night. Played 12 STRAIGHT hours of 4 player co-op on Saturday. Now I have 5 different characters all at level 20. But still dont have the Quarian Engineer yet which I want really bad.

I only have about 6 hours into the campaign. Every time I start playing the campaign, I keep getting pulled into the 4 player co-op with friends. I really need to play the campaign more because what I have played of the campaign has been excellent.
Still been severly hooked on the co-op. N7 rating is around 283. If any of you need tips for beating it on gold I have 2 setups that work very very well. But you will need 4 communicating friends to do it.

Also finally finished up the campaign last weekend. Its not as bad as everyone made it out to be but it sure was short. I took my time, explored everything, checked out the scenery, walked around forver, probed all the planets, did every side objective, and still beat everything in only 30 hours. Thats very short.

As for the ending......
I am almost 100% convinced Sheppard was indoctrinated at the end when you make your 3 decisions. Here is even a 20 minute youtube video confirming this. The video even shows Sheppard is still alive. Plus they say "ok just 1 more story". Its clear that Sheppard will still be alive and eventually they will probably make another Mass Effect using Sheppard but not until the next xbox or PS3 console is relased. It is disappointing that all the decisions you make, have nothing to do with the ending. But other than that it wasnt a good ending but it wasnt as bad as the world is making it out to be.
Yes, as for the ending... #%*!

Pretty much sums it up for me. I've hundreds of hours spanning the last five years, with as many dollars spent and this epic trilogy seems to have gotten abit lazy in the end.

Not very cool Bioware.

The forced update that was releasd yesterday on 4/11/12 might cause your game to freeze when you get to the loading menu.

You might also start seeing enemies disappear or not fall from the spawn points in the reactor base level. Or worse yet, the game will freeze during the co-op horde mode. Sometimes even on the extraction wave. :ouch:
I played “Mass Effect 3” Demo version yesterday on my PlayStation 3; it’s freaking awesome and I just loved the graphics and visuals, I’m looking forward to buying full version soon.
For those that dont know, they recently released a free extended cut for the end of the game.

I finally had a chance to play through the campaign again and watched all of the extended cut endings. They are EXCELLENT!!!!! Huge improvement with the new endings. 👍
I have said it many times, there will be another game with Shepard for sure. Probably on the next consoles
July 17th another FREE dlc map and character pack for the co-op horde mode!!!

Mass Effect 3: Earth.

The fighting is fiercest when it's your home at stake! Mass Effect 3™: Earth adds mods, gear, and new maps for Rio, Vancouver, and London. It features 3 new weapons: Piranha assault shotgun, Acolyte pistol, and Typhoon light machine gun. Six new human N7 classes are also available: Destroyer, Paladin, Demolisher, Slayer, Shadow, and Fury!