Maya 2015 problems

  • Thread starter robert1
United Kingdom
England, Kent

well ive been having a couple of problems with maya, using it for a university assignment, had 3Ds MAX last year and I want to go back but....uni has changed to maya so here goes.

first problem, my lecturer wasn't able to help too much, I am missing the mental ray renderer plugin (mayatomr.mll) it is not in the plug-in manager list. I have even manually installed it from "autodesk\WI\autodesk maya 2015\x64\mentalrayplugin" It says successfully installed but nothing new shows in the plugin list. then if selecting "browse" from the plug-in manager I can find "mayatomr.mml" in "autodesk\WI\autodesk maya 2015\x64\mentalrayplugin\program files\autodesk\mentalrayForMaya2015\plug-ins" but it displays an error message "Fatal Error." and closes the program as soon as I click ok, the only option.

I have uninstalled and deleted all files I could find relating to it, redownloaded and installed it, but problem is there.

now, while I am told to use mental ray, I thought something is better than nothing so just used the maya software renderer, when I click on "render current frame" its fine, and renders. but when I click "batch render" and change no settings at all, every frame renders black! and help or advice for ether of these?

I know might not be the best forum for this question but may be someone out there whos experienced this.

thank you
Robert :D
Might want to check your render globals for both your rendered frame range, and renderable camera. Your current frame may not be in that range, and your camera you are test rendering from may not be the same as your selected renderable camera in the render globals.

I assume you have lights setup in your scene? If not, and you want to test with default lighting, you will need to make sure that is checked on in the render globals as well.
well, I feel stupid, it was rendering the wrong camera -_- ive no idea where that was pointing! oh well, thank you, ill get this done then see if I can get mental ray working before monday