Maybe its just me but

I think it would be a nice option if you were allowed to remove logo's in GT5. One thing i always dispised in the R34 is the big GTR logo on the grill. I think the car looks much nicer without it. or an Evo with a clean trunk?

Another thing i'd like to add is i think these games would be alot more fun if they had AUTO CROSS. I mean come on, its simulation, and its fun as hell..why didnt they put this option into the gymkhana??? I mean forza has it and i liked it alot, especially iwth the Enzo heh.

And finally i think it would be a very good add-on if you have the body mods with sponsor logo's like in GT2...anyone remember that? and if not, at least to be able to strip the interior and actually see it stripped or carbon fiber body panels.

If you want to flame go ahead..because you know, they dont use carbon fiber or gutted interiors in actual race cars on race tracks...and taking logo's off loses weight and whp...
And finally i think it would be a very good add-on if you have the body mods with sponsor logo's like in GT2...anyone remember that? and if not, at least to be able to strip the interior and actually see it stripped or carbon fiber body panels.

GT2 Race modification? Yeah that was great I really hope for its return.
If you could remove stock wings on a car, that would be great. Imagine a black Supra without one... :drool:
DUDE I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!!! Yes i agree dewinged MKIV's are teh sex. I also think scoobys w/o wings look good.

GT2 Race modification? Yeah that was great I really hope for its return.
Thats it, yeap that was a cool mod.

Another thing that would be nice is if they added an option to change the cars weight so that i could see it in pounds? considering i live in the united states and were stupid and use imperial measurements while the rest of the world uses metric...

I agree. Being able to 'de-stock' a car, as in taking off useless crap, and being able to assemble a car with nothing stock on it. I like that.
Nice idea, but ain't happenin. No manufacturer will agree to de-badging, hopefully the race outfit mod will return, hopefully it allows for you to select which manufacturers you wish you slap all over your car. We can just wait until PD gives us some glimpse as to what they have planned for GT5.
I guess I'm on the fence still about mods. It seems like something that could eat up a lot of their time and also turn out to be bad. :cough: Nos :cough: which seems pretty worthless IMO. I've never used it either.
I'm pro NOS.

As for the rest of the 'mod' thing...

I am pro modification as well. I do enjoy being able to customize my vehicles, making them my own, and such. But PD can hold the stickers, spinners, neons, and other useless things, and add some useful aerokits, spoilers(but add some customizablility pleeeze! :crazy: ) and some flashier rims (not dubs, but able to increase the size & change the paint/chrome, and tire size) along with more in-depth tuning, if at all possible.

Oh, yesh. I almost forgot.

If PD is going to touch on the 'tuner' thing, than it needs to be more in depth as well.
It's fine if they add Nitrous, but they should also have more engine damage. Nitrous as it is in GT4 really have much impact as there aren't any drag races, and races aren't short enough for Nitrous to be a deciding factor. When i said stickers i meant the official stickers of real sponsors, like all race cars sport, that is not urban in anyway. Rice like is a car carrying things which serve no purpose, huge spoilers on cars that don't need them, or that can utilize them in anyway. As long as the realism is in GT, urban culture is welcomed, but I really don't care, as long as i can have my realistic simulation -esque game which GT has been.