Ok i bought the car today. Installed everything but turbo kits. Took the car out on stock suspension and realized not far in that the stock suspension was not going to work. So i bought the full customize one.
Did 2 6:50 range laps in nurburg, hardly clean blew a few corners, and put the car off once or twice on each lap, but not bad considering they the first 2 laps i put in and the first time i drove the car. Imagine if i got to know the car a bit better 6:20 laps are possible.
So here goes a quick baseline to try:
Camber 1.2 front, .8 back
Toe -.22 F, .20 B
Ride height -10 F/B
Spring rate 13.0 F, 16.8 B
Dampers 5/5 all around
Roll bars 5/5
Brakes 5 F, 3 B
Keep in mid i just tossed the suspension on and dialed these numbers in, but the car handled well, well enough to set decent laps on the ring without any practice, brakes are the weak point and need played with values might need to go up this car is not kind to late breaking, not touched the LSD cause the car lest at 791 HP seemed perfectly stable under acceleration, less i mashed the throttle entirely too hard, breaking seemed fine other than the fact most cars i am used to can break much later than this car needs.
Obviously if you got a monster turbo on you might need to tinker with the LSD etc. But with this base setup i got to say the car was very fun to drive, not as punishing as a 599 or an enzo, but it did take a good bit of concentration to guide the thing along.
Feel free to tinker improve etc as you see fit i would tinker, and it probably could be improved, but i like the fun factor of this setup.
Should add this was driven with TCS 1, ABS 1, all other aids off.