Me in 3D

  • Thread starter Sprite


Beanbag Brain
United Kingdom
Horbury, West Yorkshire
yo guys and gals ive been off the forum for a while because of uni, Im just over halfway through and i wanted to know if you like the works ive done in games design.

I will post more up to date images, because these are a little old, its from a brief set by codemasters, and they want a low polygon model that looks just like me with no more than 1000 quads or 2000 tri's. :)
Can a sprite be 3D? I thought they were 2D....

Yes daan, they are. :) (2D that is)

Looks pretty good.

What school are you going to.

Im currentley studying Multimedia Design at De Montfort university in Leicester - England.
just an update on my model, since last time ive gone and full built the thing twice and also textured it.

What program was used?

I have been using Maya 6.

will it be rigged for animation?

no im not going to rig this one but im going to re build it again and maybe rig that version, but the brief given by codemasters was to just build the model and make it below 2000 tris or 1000 quads, and to have it textured with a 512*512 texture sheet.

here are some shot of it textures and so earlie shots of it with the image plains.

front render with plain

front wire with plain

side render with plain

side wire with plain

front render with textures

I know it poor quality but image shack wont let me upload images bigger than 1024kb :( ah well i will upload some this crimbo when im at home and have access to my webspace.
Cheers guys. I just still learning to do this stuff so as soon as ive mad new stuff i will put um up.
again cheers.
Very nice, although it looks like you've added some weight in the last photo.....

Hmmm, the first thought that came to mind was creating a digital likeness in the Sims 2... woops...

Pretty impressive stuff though, glad I clicked 👍