media running behind the Internet

  • Thread starter Joey
United States
United States
about 25 days after i got my new computer, my Dad tried to uninstall McAffee, which really shouldn't have been there in the first place, since i'd rather be shot in the face than have any McAffee product on my HD. needless to say, the thing crashed, and that's when the problem started: i can't play media (music or video) while i'm on the internet, or it skips. a lot. like, i'm listening to Queen now, and a 6-minute song takes around 40 seconds to play, since it skips ~15 seconds every second or so. same thing with video: even if it does play without skipping very much, the video will freeze and the ausio keeps going; then the video will jump forward to where the audio is.

i'm really getting upset, since i'm on the internet about 2/3 of the time i'm on the computer. it's been going on for almost 2 months now.

any help? i'm totally baffled.
well, it's toast - i un/re-loaded Windows when it crashed, so there was no trace of McAffee left. it's hasn't been here since the crash.
Are you using Windows Media Player? If so, there's some option where you have some fuction(optional, I suggest turning it off) to filter the sound, make it sound better, etc. I sometimes use WinMediaPlayer on my 200mhz computer, so I turned that function off and MP3's and videos no longer skip for me. I'd suggest checking that out. If you want, I can find out what that function is called and what tab it's in.
i use it for video, but i use Winamp3 for audio, which is the more annoying problem. they both skip, but i'll try to see if that does anything.
this didn't happen before the crash.
It could be you have fragmented or possibly corrupt files. In which case I'd run a defrag program like Norton Disk Doctor or Alsoft's Diskwarrior(I don't know if there is a pc version of this but I would think so.)
Ditto that.
Maybe try uninstalling your Soundcards Audio drivers and re-installing them, or maybe download a newer set of drivers. Although most likely you are going to have to format.
Originally posted by rjensen11
Try using WinAmp2.8. I never really got WinAmp3 to work on my computers too well. WinAmp2.8 works wonderfully, however.
I'm thinking about going back to Winamp 2.8 because it has a better AVS and heaps more skins!
Originally posted by rjensen11
Try using WinAmp2.8. I never really got WinAmp3 to work on my computers too well. WinAmp2.8 works wonderfully, however.
I'm thinking about going back to Winamp 2.8 because it has a better AVS and heaps more skins!
The ONLY skin that you need for Winamp3 is MMD3. Other skins don't even come close to MMD3!
Originally posted by Viper Zero
The ONLY skin that you need for Winamp3 is MMD3. Other skins don't even come close to MMD3!

Bah, MMD combined with winamp3's bloatyness doesn't bode well on any of my pc's. Even my 1.6ghz P4 at work it kinda slows down.

Goddamnit, I don't like that winamp3.
It doesn't slow down on my 1.67GHz Athlon. Winamp3 only uses about 17 megs of memory when it is running. Which is about the same as one IE window.
Yeah, I swear that 2.8x uses about half that. Do you think winamp3 would run slowly on a 600mhz P3 with about 640mb of 133mhz ram?

Mind you at work we run a really crappy custom build of W2K anyway.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
The ONLY skin that you need for Winamp3 is MMD3. Other skins don't even come close to MMD3!
I had MMD3, until I swapped computer with my Dad. What is so great about MMD3 except for the fact that it has like 30 different colour schemes?
Originally posted by Race Idiot
Well, it looks flash and errrr takes up half of your desktop.

Isn't that cool enough?
No. I had better 2.8 skins. Skins in the category of um.....errr....female body parts.
i dislike formatting; i'll pu it off and use my CD player.
2.8 is loads better than 3 - have any of you tried making a skin for 3?? it's all XML, which takes forever.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
It doesn't slow down on my 1.67GHz Athlon. Winamp3 only uses about 17 megs of memory when it is running. Which is about the same as one IE window.

Nah, IE doesn't take up that much! When I'm on my 200mhz computer, I only have 64MB memory. Either that means that I'm using a lot of swap space instead of ram, or IE windows are considerably less than 17MB, more like 1.7MB tops.