Mega Man v. Dr. Wily / Robocop / OCP, Detroit, Michigan (Coming soon)

  • Thread starter autofusion
autofusion / GTP_sonicfusion
First of all, it's good to be back again, I guess. I heard about PSN downtime again, and I'm sorry to hear that. But anyhow...

I wonder how many of you like playing Mega Man for the NES?! Has any of you ever played Robocop 1, 2, or 3 on the same console?! Would you ever be prepared for the big twist behind Omni Consumer Products (OCP)?

I'll be doing a side project, a fan-movie (not a playable game or even a hacked ROM) where Dr. Wily completely takes over OCP and inherits both Robocop and ED-209 for use to his advantage. Everything that Dr. Wily does here will perfectly blend in with organized crime that grown all over the streets of Detroit. While most citizens in Detroit beg for mercy, that is where Mega Man is dispatched in an attempt to slow down organized crime, shut down OCP, and bring Dr. Wily to his knees for the 1 billionth time. And if for any reason that Robocop stands in Mega Man's way, there will be an epic battle between the two!

Also, I took a picture of rapper Eminem, turned it into a near 8-bit NES look, and allowed him as the opening narrator. The reason I chose Eminem here was simply because he appears to be a Detroit native. So I know that both Eminem and Robocop movies came from the same city. I can create a chiptune version of "Lose Yourself" from the 8 Mile soundtrack, but that will be the most difficult part of this project.

So it's all coming soon! There will be 8 re-created stages in this movie, and each stage will be taken from Robocop 1 and 3. In addition, all enemies will consist entirely of ones that only Robocop faces in both games, while Mega Man will take on them instead. In other words, Mega Man will be shaking off bad guys, dogs, drop-kickers, helicopters, overhead snipers, ninjas, pools of acid, Spatterpunks, even a gunman taking a Detroit mayor hostage!

Here's a little peak, a snapshot I did of Mega Man going after a boss in Stage 6: Nash Avenue
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Not to bump or anything, but I had some updates just days after I posted this.

Here's an update (4-26 / 22:45) : I managed to put together the video of the introduction. But the hardest, most difficult part of this leg of the project is creating the 8-bit chiptune of "Eminem - Lose Yourself" and using this for the intro. I would say I could be at 50% done, but this chiptune thing is the reason I feel I am not even close yet.


Here's another update (4-28 / 14:30) : I been going bonkers over this whole different round of schemes! I took the final stage of NES RoboCop 3 and did a few things. (1) Before, there were 12 screens in the original game. But after editing, I managed to throw in 13 more making it 25 in all! (2) I took the "dead-end" part and extended in a way that Mega Man would approve it! This includes the infamous gates that take you to another room. Just so you know, I was not BS'ing when I said I was looking to re-do eight different stages from both NES RoboCop games as part of this long-term project. Click like if you get my drift!



And another update (5-8 / 08:45) : OK, now this is where I begin to re-create stages, starting with all content from Stage 2 out of NES Robocop 1. According to the game, it's where Robocop walks into Detroit City Hall and goes after a gun man taking a mayor hostage. But I will call that Mega Man's first stage of this fan-movie since I have this planned where Dr. Light is having Mega Man go after organized crime in Detroit. I'll give you a piece of what I got thus far. Oh, and Mega Man doesn't use stairs like Robocop does. No, this guy uses ladders! One more thing, I decided to make this a widescreen 16:9 fan video to combine yesterday's 8-bit era with today's technology. I bet you can't play a regular 4:3 Nintendo game on a 16:9 screen! So this will give you the vision of how 8-bit games would look on a 16:9 screen.
