Mentality of cars' country of origin

  • Thread starter neepheid
Japanese cars = What else can we make electric, remote control, computer assisted or automatic?
British cars = Built by hand, the soft top leaks, and it rains all the time, but mustn't grumble! You'll die while on the waiting list for one anyway.
German cars = Can we make that door closing sound any more solid?
American cars = How much more engine can we cram into this compartment? What? We have to leave room for a driver? That sucks!
Swedish cars = Styled like a plane, built like a tank.
Yugoslavian cars = Hey, sven - my dog dropped a load this morning, and i'm going to try and sell it as a means of transportation.

as you saw above HYUNDAI = Hope You Understand Nothing's Driveable And Inexpensive

the list goes on...

CHEVROLET = Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time
DODGE = Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere
FORD = First On Rust and Deterioration
GM = General Maintenence
GMC = Got a Mechanic Coming?
BUICK = Big, Ugly, Indestructable Car Killer
PONTIAC = Pitty Our Neighbors Think It's A Cadillac. (politically correct version)
ACURA = Acura Cars Usually Run Awfully
OLDSMOBILE (my fav.) = Often Leiseurly Driven Sedan Made Of Buick's Ireggular Leftover Equiptment


TOYOTA = To Often Yanks Overprice This Auto
HONDA = Had One, Never Did Again
MAZDA = Most Often Zipping Dangerously Along
NISSAN = Now I'm Selling, Should Ask Nothing


SAAB = Swedish Autos Always Breakdown
BMW = Bought My Wife
AUDI = Always Unsafe Designs Implimented
FIAT = Fix It All the TIME
VOLVO = Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object
VW = Virtually Worthless

Don't give me credit though, I got these in an email from I forget where. (NISSAN and ACURA are mine though)
MAZDA = Most Often Zipping Dangerously Along

Ahahahha too true for us here...

BTW, I think it should be "Most Often Zooming Dangerously Along, Zooming goes with Mazda's Zoom Zoom...
I laughed quite a bit at Giles's non-politically-correct version of PONTIAC, but it is so inappropriate. Probably thought up fifteen years ago when no one was looking. What?

My favourite BMW is 'Break My Windshield.'

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