Loool; not ugly 'per se', just that it doesn't suit the car.. should be bold and warm reds, blues, blacks, something like that. This just looks cold and bland, no offence.
cool thats the one from the grand tour event right?
Nice mayne! That was fun tho 👍 Should do it again, except now I got a 458 Italia
Loving my 300ZX's rear end in Pic 3
EDIT: My bumper wasn't that ugly
Lol, your front bumper was all messed up bro .
And yeah we should! I got some new sick cars aswell.. Got a Gallardo, got an SLS, got the Ruf CTR "Yellow Bird" and some others I can't straight away think of hehehe. My pseronal fav is the fist pic, think it looks prettttty realistic.
>_< You have good cars I do too! Fiat 500 Lounge.. etc.
And I like the first too, looks pretty believable in terms of realism. Nice job mate 👍
Awesome work on the Ferrari rear light, it looks like a real photo! Im enjoying seeing what other people are getting up to with that Maserati too, its a beautiful car!
Thanks Trav!
Yeah Mog, I did consider it, but it's getting kinda late and can't really be bothered atm lol.
Fair enough!
You've inspired me to do a rally photoshoot now. 👍