Message from a Polyphony Digital employee???

  • Thread starter Malefic
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Saw this over on a seperate car forum today... and a few things struck me as odd. Has this been posted yet and what do you guys think? It all SOUNDS like things we all WANT so so badly, but it just dosent sound like its real... dont know. Here it is, and it comes with no link to the original, waiting on the original posted you link where he found it...

A PD Member:

We were personally actually quite surprised by the raitings it got, we expected lower! We know the game doesn't show all the dev time we've put in to it, but we're working on that.

We did have a near finished product when we released prolouge, we were looking at a period of about 8 months before release.

Then Sony demanded the entire game be 1080p, 60FPS. We had it coded at 720p, 30FPS.

Sadly no more space for the systems we developed, so they're on the sideline. They'll be released as DLC eventually, but Sony pushed for a release now (PS3 sales need a boost for xmas).

We ARE working on feedback though, and things like this keep coming up (along with DRM on saves, crappy menu design etc) and they will be improved through DLC if everything goes according to plan.

As for Premium/Standard, Kaz wanted over 1000 fully modeled car, but as I said before Sony rushed the release so we had to import the low poly GT4 models and upscale them a bit.

It was ambitious, but it would've worked. We had just enough power to work with to get everything in (including 3D crowds/trees and all cars as premiums).

The Yaris will appear in the used car dealership.

The Vitz is a new car and a premium model, it's a Yaris by another name.

Yes, there are more model specific races this time round. New events will be added via DLC, the first ones will be races with bhp limits (250, 350, 500).

-Standards upgraded to premiums (higher poly models, dash view, changeable rims etc).
-Brake tuning will be added
-New tracks are being worked on
-New races/championships will be released that are BHP limited, not manufacturer limited.
-There will be an as yet unnanounced update to online play (I can't say more than this).
-B Spec and replays will get fast forward buttons.
-Some more stuff I can't say yet

It's a common complaint, and it's being worked on. Priority for audio just now is to give the user their own BGM on menus as well as in race, to equalize the volume of in-race user BGM and to give a more seemless transition of audio when you change screens.
Some new engine sounds are being worked on too.

Sorry nothing I can do there. We are in the process of setting up dedicated race series though (this is the next stage in online development) to allow users to run their own series, just like those in A-Spec. Some of these will have rewards for the best racers.

There will be some old favourites brought back from earlier in the series, but I can't say which yet - it's a surprise!
We didn't want to just offer upscaled tracks so we're redesigning them from scratch. They look fantastic so far!

Exiting the menus is awkward right now, I agree. It's planned to make the "O" button take you right out of a menu and not have to press "X" to confirm every time, but it's not a high priority at the moment. There's always the "My home" button for when you're in A-Spec/B-Spec.

-Load times can't be fixed, it's due to the amount of data that has to be loaded from the disk, and we can't speed that up. If it's REALLY slow, disconnect from PSN. Equally if you have a slow internet connection menus will lag, since we've programmed online integration in both since and multiplayer.

-There's plans to release several new "Home Screens" and allow the user to choose the layout that suits them best. Not a priority though, we want to sort out the gameplay first.

-Jazz music, might not be everyones tastes but it was chosen at team meetings. As I said earlier, soon you'll be able to replace the background BGM with user BGM so it won't be an issue.

-Delievered cars are being worked on as a priority. Chances are the fuction will stay but the cutscene will be skippable.

-As for loving your own music, it'll be equalized in volume across all tracks soon, and you'll be able to change tracks in game, so it should get even better!

The conformation pop-ups are there because of Sony. Apparently people get all pissy if we don't warn them they're about to do something, so we don't really have a choice on all of them, but some will go. We did try though.

Everything will be released sequentially, bit by bit in different patches for those on slower internet connections (each patch will be no bigger than 150Mb).

As I said above, we had to import the AI system from GT4 with a few tweaks. We have a whole new system almost ready to go but Sony's requirements for 1080p/60FPS means we couldn't get it done on time. It'll be available in patch in due course.

DLC won't be announced until it's up and online. This way if it's delayed a bit we don't get people moaning again. We want it perfect, especially after the criticism the game has got.

Wait and see. New cars will be available via DLC *eventually*. Most likely these will cost.

We were pressured in to a release by Sony who really need to boost PS3 sales this xmas. This title is a console seller, hence the rush.

All standard car sounds were imported from GT4 (with a bit of tweaking on some).
When they become premium cars the engine sounds will be updated too.
As for the engine sounds on premium cars, they were recorded specifically for GT5. If they don't sound good, get a new setup because in the test labs here they sound fantastic

NASCAR sounds were taken from the cars themselves. If they sound bad get a better speaker setup. As far as we're aware there's no EQ issues with engine noises but we're looking out for them in case they do crop up.

Can't change the rims on standards because they're completely different models to the premiums. High poly wheels on a low poly car would look crap. When they're upgraded to premium you'll be able to change wheels.

Phototravel isn't available for standard cars because the low poly count means they look bad if I'm honest. Jagged door frames, poor shadows, low quality textures.... we don't really want people taking pictures of those and spreading them round the net when we're working on making all cars premium, would give a false impression.
Photo travel will be available to all cars when upgraded to premium.

3D was a Sony requirement, to show off their new Bravia TVs (there will be bundle deals with TV/PS3/GT5 soon). Because of that we had to up it to 60FPS and Sony want the 1080p, again to show off the new Bravia TVs.

Go Karts were planned from the start for a bit of fun, I quite like them personally. They may have more use later on, just wait.

8 months after prolouge we would have had a finished game (at a much higher quality than the current release) but Sony gave their demands so we had to agree, hence almost 3 years of working our asses of to try and get what they wanted.

If it doesn't it'll be EQ or compression issues, and we'll certainly want to know about it. We check all the community boards daily so if it's posted on there we'll see it. Like I said they're all genuine recordings and no major issues reported so far.

GT3 was the last one really designed for users without a wheel in the high spec races. Wheels have become much more commonplace now, so it made sense to start catering development towards them.
GT5 is so much better with a wheel but only once we get the update out.

Like I said, wait and see what tracks are coming Who knows, there might be quite a nice collection of classics.

It'll be easier when everything is premium and you have the option of buying each car used or new (Lupo will be listed under the VW dealer).
The used car dealership will be getting a makeover with new "Sort By" options (Manufacturer/Price/Age/BHP etc). It'll still update just as often though, so it'll be no easier to get a second hand Lupo, but you'll be able to buy a new one (at a premium of course).

-Kaz likes the Skyline. He's not going to budge on that. Ever. His choice.

We can't say because they'll get flooded with comments of people wanting to contact us.
Lets just say if it's well known, we check it.
I can say we check the GT5 forum on the PS3 boards, but not and 3rd party ones (if it's a big community, we watch it).

t was debated, but Kaz sees GT5 as his own baby, he wants to nurture it for a long time, so waiting out until GT6 would mean several years of waiting. Sony wanted 1080p NOW for the new Bravia series, so we had to give in.
GT6 isn't even being worked on just now, we're probably looking at future gen consoles for it.
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Umm sorry but maybe show us what you are going on about! :)

Opps sorry need to refresh before i post. :ouch:
You know you can edit your original post, right? No need to double post.

Yes, I just wanted to make a for sure seperation of my post and the PD Employee message. I run other forums BTW, I know how to use em'. :sly:
Someone with too much time on their hands trolling. If a member of PD mentioned what part of their game was crappy or expected lower scores they probably wouldn't be apart of the PD team. It explains almost everything you want to hear and other things you wouldn't be surprised at the answer to "-Kaz likes the Skyline. He's not going to budge on that. Ever. His choice." He would consider scaling down all the models, though. Hence only one R32, R33, R34 and only two R35s. If he loved them so much we would have got a least 10 previous models.
As much as i'd like to believe this, i can't see some member of PD just posting this stuff on the forums, when Kaz has been asked such things many times and given non-answers.
Yes, I just wanted to make a for sure seperation of my post and the PD Employee message. I run other forums BTW, I know how to use em'. :sly:

That's what the quote tags are for.

Sorry, it's a nice story and everything but we're just going to assume you've been trolled until you provide proof. Like, we want a picture of Kaz with a shoe on his head.
I dont believe it, the wording sounds too much like some of the stuff I see on forums. Its hitting all the nails square on the head.

I don't believe you, you need more people.
Wow, everything that guy said sounds great. If they do all this, they won't need a Gt6 until the ps4! I'm really happy they are doing all this though. And I can't wait to see the actual finished product
I can't imagine a PD employee making a statement this profound while casually flinging words like 'crap, asses and pissy'.
Also Japan has a culture of respect so references to 'Kaz' would more likey be
Yamauchi San or whatever the correct grammar is....
Which forum did you see this on? , and why did you not paste the link so others can check it out?

I agree someone has too much time, and is trying to do a windup. I for one do not believe this to be true.
Fake someone really bored with complex issues.. the mannerisms used gave it away almost as much about the 30fps thing.... kaz was determined to do 60fps. From the beggining
Would've been better if u had posted the questions along with the answers but that's cool. I really hope they don't make us pay for all these DLCs and added content. Like whenever they convert the standards to premiums, i think they owe it to us to not have to make us pay for the upgrade.
If all of those updates happen for real. You guys can curse me out or vote me out of GTP because I have the same complain all of them are exactly there and is not just me is thousand of people complaining about the same thing.

Note: How can we trust you ? How can you prove you work for PD? How you got this info?
It is fake, unfortunately. The whole thing about making every car premium is definitely a lie. Kaz mentioned way back with GT HD that there would be Premiums and Standards. Now, I won't be surprised if some of the standards get updated.

And the Standard cars are from GT4 AND GT3. There WAY more standard Miatas to for everything to be straight from GT4. There's also the Nomad Diablo and a couple other cars I've seen that I know weren't from GT4.
Would've been better if u had posted the questions along with the answers but that's cool. I really hope they don't make us pay for all these DLCs and added content. Like whenever they convert the standards to premiums, i think they owe it to us to not have to make us pay for the upgrade.

Google any line on the post. It brings you to a number of forums. Seems like its just all answers... would be nice to have the original source.
It is fake, unfortunately. The whole thing about making every car premium is definitely a lie. Kaz mentioned way back with GT HD that there would be Premiums and Standards. Now, I won't be surprised if some of the standards get updated.

And the Standard cars are from GT4 AND GT3. There WAY more standard Miatas to for everything to be straight from GT4. There's also the Nomad Diablo and a couple other cars I've seen that I know weren't from GT4.

They are straight from GTPSP, which is GT4 plus more.
It's like I said, 3D and other crap is to blame for the poor quality release. You want to bump that, you have to ignore other things. It's this simple. I am embarrassed by Sony, if this is true, they compromised the game for 3D and other pointless things. Look, I love the 60 FPS though, but to code above 720p, that's not needed. Ever. 99% of games use 720p, and all TV does. Hardly anything you see is in real 1080p, so why would GT need it but everything else doesn't? Exactly. GOW3, and Uncharted 2 seemed fine with 720p. More than fine actually. Bleh!

This is fact, but who knows if the OP's post is actually true and not trolling.
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