method for testing acceleration?

  • Thread starter nomis3613


(sorry for "yet another drag thread", but I tried searching and think my question is different to the thousand other threads!)

Does anyone know a track where there is a sector of just straight road? The shorter the better.

I am looking for a way to test the effect of tuning on traction (oh for the drag strip of GT4 where tests are repeatable down to the millisecond...) without the effect of reaction time etc. I tried the first sector of SSR7, it's too long and has gentle corners (so your time will be affected by the exact line you take). What I am thinking is stopping say 1m from the start of the sector, crossing the line as I launch, then use the sector time to measure acceleration (hence traction).

If such a straight sector does not exist, then I guess I will use my ghost somehow, but this won't be as accurate.

I'd think your second option is the most likely.
Take the car to Indy or Daytona. Do a launch off the start and run a lap. Before completing the lap, Stop, cool your tires, and re-launch.
You'll get a direct comparison to your ghost each time. Just make sure you line up at the same spot each time.
Generate a seven sector oval with the Eifel template with low complexity and you should have at least a fairly straight sector or two with minimal effort.

Adding a custom checkpoint sequence and quick restart to practice mode would be an obvious addition, much like the floating icons on license tests for partitioning courses. Why PD fails with such basic features is for another thread...
Well since we doing "street drag", we have to do trial and errors to find out which setup is better. You can allways accelerate to a certain point, save the replay, and then take the time by stopwatch. There are some things you can do, maybe not that accurate, but still you can improve your setup in such extent that your car will be faster than others.

Feel free to ask more questions.
I'd think your second option is the most likely.
Take the car to Indy or Daytona. Do a launch off the start and run a lap. Before completing the lap, Stop, cool your tires, and re-launch.
You'll get a direct comparison to your ghost each time. Just make sure you line up at the same spot each time.

Okay man, good tip....👍
Hi Nomis!

You can go on Indianapolis...Stop at the starting line (before the timer start) and launch...complete the lap and save the replay,do it again with a different setup...then compare both run with the data logger(for the first straight).:sly:
Sorry for my english...
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You could theoretically get some decent acceleration runs by doing up an Eifel course with a decently long S/F straight and just do one-make races or something of the sort with a grid start... So long as you don't wind up rear-ending the competition you're good.
Thanks everyone for the ideas. In the end, what worked best for me was similar to what Budious and Rotary_Junkie suggested:

- 7 section Eifel in custom tracks
- low complexity for sector 1 + 2
- flick through the options until a section contains just straight (preferably the first section, makes testing a lot quicker)
- TCS=1, auto gearbox
- roll the car up to exactly the same point (~1/2 metre behind the timing point)
- my sector had a very slight curve, which wasn't ideal. So I had to be very careful about following the same line.

Times for Sports Hard: 21.769, 21.773, 21.768, 21.775, 21.772
Times for Sports Soft: 21.100, 21.097, 21.100, 21.099

I'd refined my technique by this time, so the times were more consistent than Sports Hard. Even so, 0.007 seconds variation is a really good result, means the test method can be used to show changes in traction. Yay!! Thanks!