Michael Bay's TMNT (Trailers included)


Nissan Sunny FTW
Cairo, Egypt
It's a shell of a Towwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn

Yes people the first trailer for the new Teenage Mutant ninja turtles movie is here

I can't really say I'd like to see it based on that trailer. I expect it to be a typical Michael Bay "over the top" movie like Transformers.
Does anyone else find it funny that of all people, Megan Fox is in this movie?
Does anyone else find it funny that of all people, Megan Fox is in this movie?

No because for those of us who follow movie news this has been talked about for awhile to draw attention to the movie since there are so many that "enjoy" her. I don't think she's that great or ever will be she's just for looks, and if you're making a connection with her past relation issues on a Michael Bay movie set, supposedly those weren't true.

exactly what I though looks more like an ogre or orc than a ninja turtle, they could have gone off the CG animated series that is also produced by nick rather than crazy stuff like this.
Many people are going to kvetch about the changes to the specific story. I don't actually care that there are changes per se. What will make or break the deal is the quality of the changes and the strength of the scriptwriting.

Let's face it. Turtle lore is messy, with their origins changing from the original comic to the cartoon to the original movie to the second (or third) cartoon series and getting a full reboot in the current cartoon.

The Turtles themselves went from hardcore homicidal little ninja assassins to goofy, overweight, pizza eating, nobody-ever-gets-killed-or-mained-in-our-cartoon-because-80's cartoons back to semi-hardcore-but-still-funny-but-at-least-we-look-like-the-comics cartoons when they went to the future to the current now-we-actually-look-and-act-like-teens nick show.

April has been everything from a pawnshop owner to a TV News Reporter then back to a pawnshop owner who became a TV News Reporter and then a ninja... and now she's a pre-teen whose father happens to be involved with the Krang. The Krang who started out as good guy aliens stranded on Earth, then became a single, goofy evil brain in a stupid balloon-shaped exo-suit, then went back to being an entire race, only this time they're an evil race.

Then there's the Shredder. Who originally just died. But then didn't. But then died again the movie and came back.


I think some of the changes will infuriate fans, however well they're made. Making Shredder American, for one, makes little sense. And leads to the uncomfortable possibility that Splinter will also be American. And possibly April's mutated dad (Look in your heart, you know it's true)

And the Turtles are now not pint-sized mutants who are comically puny buy who have been endowed with Ninja skills... but rather genetically-engineered tanks who can crush vehicles with their shells.

That's like, uh, taking an infamously short and short tempered Canadian mutant superhero and recasting him as a six foot tall Australian. While Hugh Jackman pulled it off, somehow, only time will tell if the new Turtles will be able to survive the reboot.


A lot of us are wondering why they just didn't do a movie version of the current cartoon. But as we've seen with how M.Night butchered Avatar, even with the slavish dedication to the source material, that's not always a guarantee.
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*looks at Wiki*... sixteen? Sure doesn't look sixteen. Fourteen, maybe... :lol:

Still, I like the current take on the Turtles... I hope that the reception of this movie doesn't change the direction of the cartoons... which, IMHO, are probably the best on-screen take of the Turtles, yet.
Does anyone else find it funny that of all people, Megan Fox is in this movie?
I was a bit confused about that too. Title had Michael Bay and then it showed Megan Fox. Thought for sure they had a dispute but I guess not.
As for the movie, I grew up watching the turtles, but I am not sure what to think about this movie. The turtles do indeed look very ugly. They were fun and cute in the cartoons. I do like the special effects in the Michael Bay movies so who knows, it could be decent. My expectations are very low.
I was surprised Megan Fox is in this, I thought it was pretty much confirmed for years by both sides that her and Bay had a major bust up.

First thing I took from the trailer was boy the Turtles don't translate well to realistic CGI... I agree they look seriously horrible! It's massively off putting because they are meant to look like they did in the original cartoon series. I was right in the middle of the Turtles 80's fad as a kid.

TMNT was really good and kept the cartoon / realism balance, sadly I'm not feeling this... it’s just Transformers with a bit of green! They only saving grace is, that at least from the trailer, they seem to have kept their humour streak which what makes them so liked. They have always had this charming accidental hero thing going on.

On a side note... Gym Class Heroes, seriously the most badass soundtrack ever for a KIDS movie. When I heard it for the first time at the end I thought man this is too sick for kids! :lol:

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I've enjoyed the turtles in quite a few of their various forms over the years. As long as the personalities and humor are there, the movie has plenty of potential to at least be a lot of fun. No need to take any of it (especially the mythology/lore, as niky touched on) too seriously. Some of the changes might be a bit nutty, but I'm honestly pretty intrigued by some of the casting choices. Fichtner is always a weird dude and should make an interesting Shredder. I don't know if you could find a more perfect choice for Vernon than Will Arnett (thinking back to the 1987 cartoon).
That trailer just reinforces how bad this looks.

The Turtles look totally wrong + ugly as hell, the voices are totally wrong and the rest looks really poor. I can't believe what they have done here! Give me a quarter of the budget at I would have made a better Turtle film.

It's obvious from the crtitics feedback of the trailer that if you liked 80's & 90's Turtles your gonna hate this. This is for kids young enough to have only seen TMNT at the most, which actually is a million times better than this looks.
About the only thing positive I can say about this is that Shredder looks actually pretty damn awesome.
The acting was HORRIBLE. Seriously. Megan Fox was just a train wreck, she might as well not even be in the movie and I wouldn't have noticed. Will Arnet was kinda funny I guess, I tend to laugh at rambling jokes and they gave him a few of them, but still not good.

I thought the action scenes were entertaining enough and if there's one thing that they did right was Shredder. He was badass-looking. Other than that not much to say about the movie...
The acting was HORRIBLE. Seriously. Megan Fox was just a train wreck, she might as well not even be in the movie and I wouldn't have noticed. Will Arnet was kinda funny I guess, I tend to laugh at rambling jokes and they gave him a few of them, but still not good.

I thought the action scenes were entertaining enough and if there's one thing that they did right was Shredder. He was badass-looking. Other than that not much to say about the movie...

So business as usual.
Megan Fox has been swearing at all the critics saying it doesn't matter what they say because it will make millions :ouch:

And spending her time on IGN saying what turtle she would sleep with, what the hell?