Microsoft Ends Production of the Xbox 360

  • Thread starter Robin


United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Well after selling 80 million units and being in production for 11 years the Xbox 360, the console which took Microsoft from a newcomer to a leading console player has finally been discontinued. It will no longer be in production but obviously it will be updated and supported for many years to come.

I suspect with the Xbox One being backwards compatible and a new model incoming they thought now would be a good time to end production. As the PS4 hasn't got BC I'm sure the PS3 super slim will be produced for a few years more, unless the PS4K / Neo plays PS3 games.

It's interesting to see how the 360 grabbed the market overnight (well apart from Japan), I guess being the first seventh generation console to market had something to do with it as well as having an already successful Xbox Live service.

We will never forget you RROD box! :sly:
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You have to give credit to Microsoft for making a very successful console like the 360. It definitely had its downsides but overall it was a fairly competent machine.
Despite my Xbox RROD'ing about 4-ish years ago, it still has a place in my heart. It'll be missed.

Also, 11 years! Incredible how long it was in production.
You have to give credit to Microsoft for making a very successful console like the 360. It definitely had its downsides but overall it was a fairly competent machine.

The design of the software, ecosystem and architecture was spot on but the implementation and engineering was the problem area for them.

At the time Microsoft had very little experience at being a hardware manufacturer, up until that point they had made mostly Keyboards and Mice! This was most obvious in the original Xbox which was basically built from oem PC parts!

The 360 was the first proper hardware thing they ever did and TBH it wasn’t very well engineered, we all remember the problems! But when it worked it worked very well.

Now Microsoft makes all sorts of things like the Surface and Lumia ranges and although they have made a huge progress even now they struggle with hardware. The Xbox One is double the size of the PS4 with less power and a brick still hanging on the end of the cable. It's not as elegant but they are getting there!
I still remember first playing on the XBOX 360 in various kiosks at department stores and electronics sections back in 2006 or so. I remembered playing demos of games like "Call of Duty: Big Red One" and "Project Gotham Racing 3" before during Black Friday shopping back then. I later would play around with titles like "Forza Motorsport 2" and "Forza Motorsport 4" on kiosks also. I have never owned any XBOX. Even if you absolutely loathe Microsoft, you have to admit Microsoft can do much more than software. These guys became players in the console game once the original XBOX hit the market and once it started getting hot.

The only reason I'd really get an XBOX 360 today would be to spend more time with the Forza Motorsport titles on the XBOX 360. I would also want to get my fill of the Project Gotham Racing games that appeared on the XB360. I'm not sure what non-racing games I'd want to play on the XBOX 360. Only once have I played HALO, and that was the very first HALO I played for a grand total of... maybe 10 minutes on the original XBOX.

Got to hand respect to the XBOX 360.
Having been the console that got me into gaming as an adult, I won't ever forget playing King Kong and being blown away by the graphics......good times!
The design of the software, ecosystem and architecture was spot on but the implementation and engineering was the problem area for them.

At the time Microsoft had very little experience at being a hardware manufacturer, up until that point they had made mostly Keyboards and Mice! This was most obvious in the original Xbox which was basically built from oem PC parts!

The 360 was the first proper hardware thing they ever did and TBH it wasn’t very well engineered, we all remember the problems! But when it worked it worked very well.

Now Microsoft makes all sorts of things like the Surface and Lumia ranges and although they have made a huge progress even now they struggle with hardware. The Xbox One is double the size of the PS4 with less power and a brick still hanging on the end of the cable. It's not as elegant but they are getting there!
Which is, if you havent noticed, is actually the positives since the game can be developed much easier since its closer to PC compared to the more confusing PS3.