Minecraft News and Discussion

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More progress on my Minecraft PS3 experience...

* I had a wicked night last night traversing through The Nether. It has been absolutely crazy! As a note- this was from my Tutorial World experience. I killed my first Ghast as well as successfully knocking a fireball back at a Ghast. I even killed Zombie Pigmen and Magma Cubes. My enchanted Diamond Pickaxe got quite a workout mining Netherrack like crazy. I even kept using and reusing most Netherrack blocks just to try to find my way out of the Nether. I even picked up items like Nether Brick, Ghast Tears, Golden Nuggets, and more. I didn't get anything like Soul Sand or Nether Wart, though. Yes- I was stuck in the Nether trying to find out how to get out. I eventually found my way upwards to get back to the Nether Portal. The strategy of making a tower of bricks to eventually get up to the top of a certain place worked very well. I had done almost everything in the Nether except for meet and/or beat a Blaze. So I'll have to return to the Nether, find a Blaze, and kill one.

* One other thing about the Nether... a PSN friend talked about the music played in the Nether. C418 has done a lovely job with the Nether's music! Certainly a different tone compared to the softer music in the Overworld.

* In the C418 CD-finding Tutorial quest, I now have found 9 of the 12 CDs.

* The map is very helpful in helping detail how massive your world is. I flew around my Creative Mode world thinking I've covered and populated most of the space allowed. Turns out... there's a LOT more land I haven't yet covered! I'm telling you- even without the infinite worlds of PC Minecraft, you can still do a whole lot with a whole lot of space in console Minecraft. That's granted you aren't trying to build ridiculously massive structures that take up a good chunk of map space and height.

This has all been a crazy experience!
Always exciting hearing new players stories to Minecraft. Every time you play you will learn something new. I also agree with you that this game is quite massive on the console. I have the 360 version and have been playing for quite a while. Its even more fun with friends because each friend has their own method of playing and you will always learn something with each new friend or each new world. :)
I've learned Lava can be used in the furnace! So much time was wasted mining for such small amounts of coal. This has really upped my production of stone blocks.

So, I've a two part problem with the project i've started on DQ's server. I'm building a huge elephant statue, however I goofed on the maths and one leg is way off from where it needs to be. With the size of the leg I'm going to require either better tools, or TNT. I still haven't found any diamonds so better tools is not looking possible. Also I've noticed a lack of creepers on the server. Is there another way to find
gunpowder without creepers?

Also I must say thank you to GT-R... Much thanks for the items! So far everyone i've come across on the server has been most friendly. :cheers:
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I've learned Lava can be used in the furnace! So much time was wasted mining for such small
amounts of coal. This has really upped my production of stone blocks.

So, I've a two part problem with the project i've started on DQ's server. I'm building a huge elephant
statue, however I goofed on the maths and one leg is way off from where it needs to be. With the size of
the leg I'm going to require either better tools, or TNT. I still haven't found any diamonds so better tools
is not looking possible. Also I've noticed a lack of creepers on the server. Is there another way to find
gunpowder without creepers?

Also I must say thank you to GT-R... Much thanks for the items! So far everyone i've come across
on the server has been most friendly. :cheers:
Next time you see me on just ask and I'll give you some TNT.
You're welcome, @crunchMONKY78. :)

Does anyone have glowstone and would be willing to trade?

I've a small amount of glowstone dust you're welcome to it if you want.

Pontiac... I've seen you on often, but im usually heading offline by the time you jump on. Lol

EDIT: Is the server shut down on weekends?
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I finally started to find Iron Ores in the Tutorial world I'm exploring. I noticed a little difference color-wise with stone blocks. There is a little discoloration that can somewhat be made out if you have some torches nearby. I enjoy being able to find various caves for the prospect of finding ores. However, I don't enjoy being lost underground with all sorts of monsters coming out of nowhere... not to mention those damned Creepers that blow up behind you unexpectedly (I f:censored:ing hate that!). One of the bonuses of being deep underground is that you can get rid of stuff you don't want to have or keep by throwing them into lava. This mostly includes stuff like string, rotten flesh, bones, and stuff like that. I was trying to find some more Emerald Ores so I could get that Trophy for mining Emerald ores with IRON tools. Previously, I had used my enchanted diamond pickaxe.

Anyhow, I have lots of Coal. Coal can be VERY useful for things besides just making torches. It is probably the best furnace fuel. Just one piece of coal is enough to cook/smelt about eight of some item. So I started smelting various Iron and Gold ores to make those ingots. I even smelted one Diamond ore I had so I could make another Diamond Pickaxe after my previous enchanted one finally broke. I even saw some Lapis Lazuli(?) ores for the first time.

To get out of the underworld, I used the same strategy of digging upward step-ladder style until I eventually saw daylight. I also made sure to light a few torches in case monsters block the way. While it's great to find stuff underground, it stinks knowing you're deep below the earth when you really want to be back on solid ground to enjoy the air and water and stuff like that. I even try to light some torches or put up a little structure to note certain areas I've dug through in case I visit those areas again. I would likely recommend newer players to stock up on wood from trees as well as getting yourself some coal or charcoal. I also recommend having some food to help you survive while doing this underground mining.

As of this post, I still haven't found any other CD chests from the Tutorial world, so I'm still at 9 of the 12 chests. I'm even thinking about taking my chest I made in the Tutorial mode house and expanding it to turn that one chest into a double chest.
I finally bought the PS3 version of Minecraft, since I don't have a computer that can play games. I love this game already, and I knew I would since I've watched so many YouTube videos and read all about it on the wiki.

I built my first house (and an ugly one at that!) which I will probably take down in the future, for a smaller house (Preferably a Giant Red Mushroom that is level with the ground).

I had no idea how close I built my house to an NPC village! My house is the giant eyesore on a stick and the NPC village is in the middle of the screen near some hills.

Later, I gathered resources, beat up villagers, pillaged the village (Rhyming level: Poet), and went around the world in a boat to fill out my whole map.

I discovered a Mushroom biome which oddly had patches of another biome in it. My favorite find was a very small island with a jungle tree on it. The island could not have been more than 10 blocks (meters) long!

Anyway, I kept exploring and ran across the land at night. The hairs on the back of my neck were practically standing on end! I made it home safely, though. I will not regret my purchase any time soon.
And you're not Dinnerbone. :sly:

EDIT: I'm not seeing any problems with the picture I posted. I think it's funny you have an error on page 404. :lol:
I've learned Lava can be used in the furnace! So much time was wasted mining for such small amounts of coal. This has really upped my production of stone blocks.

You can also use Blaze rods too. They last longer than coal too (well on the 360 and PS3 anyway, haven't tried comparing with PC yet).
I finally mined my first Obsidian blocks! I took the advice of using a water bucket on lava source blocks to properly mine Obsidian. I had some cobblestone blocks on hand to safely have a chance at mining the blocks without having lava burn me up. Now that I got at least 10 bits of Obsidian, I can now make another portal to the Nether. I reached the Nether in the Tutorial world previously. I now have a chance to make a second Nether portal that I can properly use. Only thing in my to-do list as far as Nether-based Trophy tasks is to find a Blaze. Not sure if the Tutorial World has any kind of Nether Fortress I'm aware of. There's apparently an End Portal in the Tutorial World as well, according to a YouTube video I randomly searched.

You can say I'm "leveling up" in Minecraft. Getting more experienced and more confident exploring the world.
Something else to report... I've now found 11 of the 12 CDs in the Tutorial World. One of them is in the Nether. I've been trying to battle Blazes while also cleaning out my Inventory. Unfortunately, I didn't collect that 11th CD. I'll still count it that I found 11 of the 12 CDs. Only problem is that I don't have it. I fear it may have been destroyed while trying to balance cleaning my inventory and staying alive. I didn't add it to my Inventory as hard as I was trying. So there is now one more CD to find in my Tutorial quest.
Mission complete! I found all 12 music CD locations in the Tutorial World! I found the last one in a location that seemed special. There isn't too much more I can do in the Tutorial World unless maybe try to find The End portal. I already crafted six Eye of Enders. All I'd need to do is fight off six or so more Endermen and pick up their Ender Pearls (if they drop any). I eventually will build my own Creative and Survival worlds. The next Survival World will be one I'll attempt to do some of the other Trophy tasks, such as the one of building a rail and go 500 meters in one single direction. A few times, I thought I had the Trophy for the one of killing a Skeleton from 50 meters away, but I wasn't far enough when I thought I had killed one.

Newcoming players to the XBOX 360 and PS3 versions of Minecraft- explore Tutorial World! There's more to that world than just learning how to play the game. Take advantage of using and exploring that space.
The rods work or they last longer?
I already know that you can use the rods as fuel on pc, I just don't know if they last longer than coal in a furnace.

Yes, they do last longer than coal and charcoal. 👍
Got on the server, things are looking awesome ^^ I'm going to restart everything since my old village got removed when the maps got fiddled with. *sniffle*. but it's nice to start again.

I checked the cityworld as well. Did you crazy 🤬's build all that yourselves!? It's nuts.
I am really enjoying this game. I got it for my brother to play when he hangs out at my apt. and now I'm hooked on the game! Anyone that wants to add me, my psn is jtqmopar. If I'm playing online, feel free to join/ invite me.

I have designed (maybe not original, I don't know, but I started making stuff and got:
>Four-way TNT launcher
>TNT Shaped Charges (most efficient tunnel/ mine creating)
>Early Warning Light System, that lights up to 30 blocks (15 each side of pressure plate) to detect enemies approaching castle walls.

These are just things I've made by applying what I learned in tutorials on making a TNT launcher. Now, I just need to get a working 2-way repeater design so I can light up the entire top of my wall whenever anything comes close.
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I started a new Minecraft world on Friday or so. This new Creative world, which I have named "Adelphi" is a regular Creative world unlike my superflat first world. The first thing I noticed about my new world is how many deep underground caves and ravines it has. I mean, I would probably have a boatload of resources if I were to mine this world for all of its resources. In fact, I was creating one little village, and when I was digging downwards, there was a huge cavern that led to an abandoned mine shaft! I was trying to create a well for the village I created. The later structures I created were mostly temples. For some reason, I have wanted to create some kind of RPG world within the realm of Minecraft. This new Creative world I've created is a bit more loose in making a more fantasy world. Later on, I created an enchanting house that is on a floating island. I also built a Nether Brick tower atop a tall mountain. That tower leads to a Nether portal. You could say I was inspired by the classic Zelda games to make a completely evil structure at the far north of the map atop a mountain.

The biggest advantage of making a proper world rather than a superflat is that you have better environmental effects than you would with a superflat. Areas I had set off as desert areas and snowy areas were treated more like regular grasslands. Those areas had rain fall in them.

Something I've taken pleasure in was in farming animals. I took the advice of having Wheat in my hand to attract animals. I think it's cool (and cute) how animals will follow you around as you give them Wheat. Even more cute when a baby animal comes from you feeding them wheat. Only animals that don't follow you with Wheat are chickens, wolves, and ocelots. I'm trying not to corral up wolves because I tried that once... and all the wolves I put within a fence wanted to rip their fangs into me. So I'm enjoying the experience of a non-superflat Minecraft world.
Use wheat seeds to attract Chickens. Untamed Wolves (Dirty) can be tamed (Clean with red collar) by right-clicking on them with a Bone. Ocelots can be tamed by using a Fish and they transform into a cat.
I know about feeding Wolves and Ocelots. I just didn't think about Wheat Seeds for Chickens. So thanks for that advice.