Minecraft PS3: New Mini-Game! Players Wanted

  • Thread starter jtqmopar
United States
United States
Hello everyone, I am new here, and to Minecraft. Although I am new, I have devised a scheme so devious, I just had to share it with other people. Especially since a mini-game isn't going to be fun by myself, or with just one other person.

What it basically is is two teams (or can be modified for as many free-for-all players) will start a fair distance away from the "kill box" where each team's villagers are being held underneath scalding hot lava. The teams will fight each other in an attempt to be the first to release their townspeople by releasing the lava above the opposing team's villagers.

This is made possible by a pool of lava above some slightly less than trustworthy glass blocks. Oh, did I mention that there's TNT, redstone and a lever? These will be put in place while teams are going to their designated start zones.

Boxes will be placed throughout the map with items that can aid the heroes on their journey. But, not all of them will be easy to get to, and expect a few tricks along the way. Difficulty may be adjusted, through the 'survival mode' slider, and depending on how well this does, I might try to work in player restrictions, so that only items found in chests may be used.

I have the main setup backed up on a thumb drive, so back-to back games are only a matter of exiting and reloading the data to the ps3, and of course the players joining again. It seems like a hassle, but if any of you check this out, you'll see why I have things backed up. (hint: it might get a little messy!)

I am on ps3 either racing in GT6, or on Minecraft most evenings (eastern time) and just about the entire weekend. I have a mic, and would appreciate if others that may be interested do as well, but it isn't a deal-breaker. I could use some help fine-tuning the rules and even suggestions on a different setup.

feel free to add me, or post your psn here if you want to check it out

If you do post your info here, please do it in this general fashion:

psn: jtqmopar
mic: Yes