Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition!

  • Thread starter Darren.


Vroom Vroom
United Kingdom

This got released on Wednesday last week. My 1st reaction is Wow. Its quite an excellent port of the PC, but its outdated unfortunately. More specifically, Xbox Edition is based off 1.6.6 Beta. To me, the lasting appeal of the game is about the same, nearly every element of the PC version has been ported over to Xbox Edition. The only major exceptions are:

- Creative Mode
- Hardcore Mode
- The End World (Not sure about this, I haven't come across The End nor the Ender Dragon)

Its a lot easier to play than the PC Version, the controls aren't so laggy and certain aspects of crafting have been simplified. Theres even a tutorial for first time players.But its enough for a Minecraft gamer to just open the game and start building stuff. Its 1600 MS Points currently, and I strongly recommend that people buy it. There will be constant updates and well, it'll be free. Maybe eventually Xbox Edition will be up to the same spec as Minecraft PC Edition. I haven't tried Multiplayer yet, I'll feed back when I get the chance to.
Waiting till tuesday when i get paid, and then I'm going to pick this up right away. Didnt have money on my card when it came out, and just barely had 15 bucks in hand so i couldnt afford it :(.

I will be seeing you on Tuesday, Darren.
I am a first time Minecraft player, have about 4 hours in and I have to admit, it is pretty addicting. I am just having a blast building things out of dirt, haven't made anything yet as I do not know how. But if you guys are willing to help a newbie out, I'd be happy to join up when you guys get on?
I am a first time Minecraft player, have about 4 hours in and I have to admit, it is pretty addicting. I am just having a blast building things out of dirt, haven't made anything yet as I do not know how. But if you guys are willing to help a newbie out, I'd be happy to join up when you guys get on?

I am also a newbie. Actually could i even consider myself that yet? I've yet to actually purchase the game. I have read up plenty reviews about the PC version though so i was kinda excited to find out it came to 360arcade. I guess my inner nerd escaped and i got all giddy.

Fell free to add me though. Maybe you can help me out when i finally get it :)
Just played it at a friends house, on the 360. A couple of my friends played it on their Macs, but this is the first time that I've played it. It was me and three other friends playing, so they helped me out on how to do things.

At first I had no idea what I was doing. Just wandering around the map, without even having a map. Didn't even know how to make things, besides the basic pickaxe. After a couple of hours, I was getting the hang of it. Figuring out how to make things, out of stone, iron, and what not and actually made myself a home.

Know I just need to add some funds to my account, so I can buy it.
I am a first time Minecraft player, have about 4 hours in and I have to admit, it is pretty addicting. I am just having a blast building things out of dirt, haven't made anything yet as I do not know how. But if you guys are willing to help a newbie out, I'd be happy to join up when you guys get on?

I'd be more than willing to help you out. I have about a months worth of experience playing Minecraft, I can show you the ropes and teach you how to survive once the sun sets. 👍
Just bought it late last night and played it for about an hour or two before i went to bed. Its oddly addicting. I managed to build myself a small house, although it took me two nights to figure it out haha(I died on the first night to.)

My house isnt anything special, and its actually looks pretty weird because of the different items i used to make the wall of my house haha. I started up a second room to my house that im trying to make fairly bigger because my first room is barely one block higher then the actual height of the character. So far I've got my stone tools, a bed, a furnace, and an Crafting box(i think thats what its called?)
Bought a few days ago :D Never played it before so I did the tutorial first. This really helped me getting started. Really really addictive this game!!

I'm building a stone house that's floating above the water. I built stairs from the highest point in the map nearby the water. I fell down a few times (and died) but now I'm high enough and above the water so it's no problem anymore. This is how I started:

And save your game before you make a screenshot, I have read on the official XB forum that it could ruin your game..
Thats sick dude! Loving it. So far I've got a wooden house with two rooms and another house someplace else (on another part of my world, I've lost it!! :lol:)
I built a really quick house near a lake just to get me started. I went to a side of a cliff, and in the middle i started mining out it out. Ended up putting doors on it so now i have a house in the side of a high cliff haha. In the house i started mining 4x4 in one direction and then would switch directions every once in a while, started going lower and lower and ended up finding some thing that was spawning dozens of monsters at a time.. i couldnt figure out how to destroy it so i just blocked it in haha. The tunnel i made is so damn long, it literally takes me atleast 5 minutes just to walk back to the entrance. Finally found some gold on the way to :)

Creepers kept blowing up my original house to :(
What's the deal with this game? It doesn't look like anything that would interest me at all, but everyone keeps raving about how fun and addictive it is. :boggled: I think I'll stay away from it....any game that can make Carlos and SilentDrifter ignore Forza 4 scares me! ;)
Come on Wiggs... deep down you want to. After all, it never gets boring... unlike (most) other games on the market

@All- For those who don't have diamonds (they're pretty elusive unfortunately, and updates in the future inrceased its rarity), heres an easy tutorial video that shows you how to find and obtain these elusive gems.

What's the deal with this game? It doesn't look like anything that would interest me at all, but everyone keeps raving about how fun and addictive it is. :boggled: I think I'll stay away from it....any game that can make Carlos and SilentDrifter ignore Forza 4 scares me! ;)


Just survive and build things! This guy has alot of nice videos, he explains his videos in a way that is excellent for people who don't have any experience with this game. I watched his first 3 videos, after that I did the tutorial myself. The 'experience' from what I've seen in that vid helped me alot.

(search for; minecraft on xbox 360 ep1 (or 2, 3..)

And if you're a bit more experienced, you can build things like this..

And you can join your friends on their worlds and help them build things! I could use a hand.... ;)
Hmmmm, maybe I'll look into it after I finish some of the games I haven't played much since Forza 4 came out. It might be a while though....the list is pretty long. :P
I've just tried this games multiplayer mode. I'm quite enjoying it, making things with your friends is quite enjoyable, especially with my IRL friends. It also speeds up the process of building stuff, as is to be expected. I did notice one bug, hitting another player reduces their life bar, which can be annoying if they accidentally hit you.

We should start arranging Minecraft Xbox Edition meets, if theres enough demand for it. Thoughts?
I am actually down for that. One question though. My item list in my current world, if i join another world im guessing it all disappears?

I managed to find lots of diamond thanks to that video you posted. Also in search of diamond i found a boatload of iron and gold :) Constructed a Nether portal last night but i deconstructed it because the ghast kept killing me haha.

And if you're a bit more experienced, you can build things like this..

And you can join your friends on their worlds and help them build things! I could use a hand.... ;)

Wow that makes my wood/sand house in a 15x15 look like a baby made it haha :( I'll add you guys later today, maybe we can get something going.
Yep it all goes unfortunately. Fortunately the host of the current server will most of the time give you some of their items to get you going right off the bat.
If anyones interested, I'm thinking of having a meet tonight in 1/2 Hour.(8:00 GMT +1) In my world probably, unless someone needs help in their world, which I'll only be too happy to help. :)
Sounds good to me. I've got my world down pretty alright dont really need help as of yet, i have a few mines(i should actually call them mazes... i get lost frequently). I have a floating house made out of netherrock with soul sand walls on the interior and in the process of making the entire flooring out of glowstone. It also has a nether portal in it which i used to make look like a purple window haha.

I'll try to make it to your world, what will we be doing?
I have recently lost my mic so i wont be able to talk though :( waiting for the new one in the mailthough
I have no mic myself, so its fine.👍 Shall I join your game, since you got one up and running?
actually im going to take a shower really quick, if you have one open when im out i'll jump in yours. My game is goign to stay up for the time being though.
Decided to get this game because my friends were telling me of how good it was and I just don't know what I'm doing (probably because it's quite rare that I play anything but racing). It seems there is no objective to work towards which leaves me lost.

Noob question: How do you mine gold? I thought you needed to have a gold pickaxe but to get one of them you need to have gold.
In order to mine gold you need an Iron pickaxe or better, i think its the same for diamond as well. The game doesnt really have an objective to aim towards really from what i notice. You pretty much deconstruct materials in order to use a combination of materials to make other things like houses, dungeons, mazes, well pretty much anything you can imagine.

It is a very time consuming game though as you have to hunt for most of the materials you need. If you want, add me and i can help you out every once in a while. I'm sure these guys up here can help as well :)

Darren and I, played for a bit today on his world but had to take off so i just went back to mine. Just the other day Carlos joined my world and i showed him around my world, although i dont have much, just a floating house and a giant waterfall of lava(somehow i accidentally made my lava waterfall disappear :( ).
Ah, thanks. I guess I just assumed when my friend told me I needed an iron pickaxe for iron that I needed gold for gold. :dunce:

I'll add you if I remember whenever I'm on Xbox but don't be surprised if I'm barely ever on Minecraft, although hopefully once I get more familiar with it I'll see what's so fun and spend a bit more time on it.
Ah, thanks. I guess I just assumed when my friend told me I needed an iron pickaxe for iron that I needed gold for gold. :dunce:

I'll add you if I remember whenever I'm on Xbox but don't be surprised if I'm barely ever on Minecraft, although hopefully once I get more familiar with it I'll see what's so fun and spend a bit more time on it.

Sure thing :) oh and you dont need an iron pickaxe to mine iron. I've used a stone pickaxe, but havent tried wood.
Darren and I, played for a bit today on his world but had to take off so i just went back to mine. Just the other day Carlos joined my world and i showed him around my world, although i dont have much, just a floating house and a giant waterfall of lava(somehow i accidentally made my lava waterfall disappear :( ).

Sorry again for the push.. My mate was playing so it's his fault :lol:

I found that purple stuff (alot of it) but what do I do now??
You mine it with a diamond pick axe, it may take a while. To make the portal all you need is 14 blocks of it. You will also need to go to your crafting box and make a flint(i forgot what you combine with the flint to make it but it should be in one of the menus.)

Once you have all the items you set the obsidian standing up like this


The center must be blank, and just pull out your flint and light the center, and then it should be a purple portal like the one in my house.