Need the best tune for the minolta, grip wise that is. Not looking for top speed but instead for better agility. If anyone has a beastly one plz do let me know
Need the best tune for the minolta, grip wise that is. Not looking for top speed but instead for better agility. If anyone has a beastly one plz do let me know
What track(s) did you have in mind?
I might have an AdrenaTune for you to try out.
I've been using the Minolta in a Lemans series/league over at the PS forums for the last month, so I've put a fair amount of seat time into it.
Just all around tracks I should say. I've been using the minolta allot lately, so a little help around the corners would be greatly appreciated. I have problems with b-spec specially. The breaking around chicanes and others is killing my time and sometimes has costed me some races. Please do let me know of a good set up