When I heard about this game, and it's unique premise (FPR not FPS), I was excited, hopeful, and worried. This is one of those ideas that could easily create a new, and maybe even much followed, design. Much in the vain of GTA, Gran Turismo, Guitar Hero, Skate, etc... If they do it well, and spend a lot of time polishing the gameplay, it could be an incredibly gratifying experience. Imagine running around an open world with incredible 1080p stylized contemporary scenery, jumping from roof top to roof top, with a real sense of speed, height, tension, etc... It could be incredible. However, I have a hunch this game will not fully deliver. Yes, it's just a hunch, but a time tested one. If this comes out and looks as good as it does in those screens, with solid gameplay, and a real sense of speed/height/gravity, we'll have a hell of a new genre on our hands (sure to be followed, copied, and bastardized into cheap ninja, and track and field games). Hopefully it will deliver, as I would like to see the FPS genre branch out a bit more (Although Bioshock and Mass Effect did a great job of integrating RPG elements). Unfortunately, if they don't get all the bugs out, it could go down in flames fast, and take the new idea with it...... at least for a little while.
Did I mention I like the new screens.... Very nice. The gritty look has been done to death (not that I don't like it). This style is fresh, stylistic, colorful, and somehow it just makes you feel........... good. 👍