This is my first contact with all that play Gran Tourismo GT.I am completly absorbed with the entire concept of the game,the future it has, and so happy to see such a huge following and support group it has. I do however find myself in need of help in order to reach the 100% level in the game. In the GT4 i'm playing i have reached 94.5% but cannot seem to find any way to get the last 5,5%. I have raced and won all of the races,championships, and have filled all of the requierments the game asked for, yet i can find no way to acquire the last % to reach 100. I would greatly appreciate any help.
My stats as of now at day 1794 GT time.
A-spec 6767
Licence-1 gold,7 silver, 72 bronze
A-spec Miles 25,926
Win ratio 810/1389=58.3%